choosing a clone for my mother

Sunny Dee

I hear its best to take from the bottom.

Heres what i would like to do..if plausable.

I plan on toping this plant to have 8 tops. starting with 4 then 8 (obviously :P). Would i get a nice mother if, when i top her for the first time keep the top i cut, and clone that to keep as my mother?

trying to keep my plant count down so i wanna do it once and have it right..

any thoughts?



Active Member
There are all kinds ways to clone. Not a bad plan. It will work. The bottom branches tend to go faster. I haven't noticed enough difference to make difference. One thing to consider is if your original plant a clone or from seed? If it's from seed, all of the clones you pull from it will be F1 clones, being the most stable. They are more likely have the same traits as the mother. If your original is clone just keep an eye on how many generation you clone away from your first one. You may start to notice some trait changes. Otherwise happy cloning.

Sunny Dee

Great answer.. thanks brother.. yes it will be from seed. altho every clone after will be from the clone i pulled from the seed.. so technically an F3? lol or second generation? idk. U seem to know alot about cloning. when u say notice trait changes? what do u mean? if i keep my mother from a seed. and keep cloning my mother, which will make every plant i "grow out" a 3rd generation female. am i loosing traits?


Active Member
If your mother is from seed, then the clones you pull from her are f1. If your mother is f1, the babies are f2 and so on. It takes several generations to start see noticable deferences. I have a querkle that is purple right from the start. I gave an f1 to a friend. She clones it and put her oldest plant in flower. She does this all of the time. Her querkle is no longer purple. We use the same nuits and same brand of dirt. I know she is about 10+ generation out. The end product is still good. While all of mine are still purple.