Chocolate Chunk - Flimsy stem...


Active Member
Hi All,

I was kindly gifted a chocolate chunk clone which I've since mothered and now have 18 clones.

I put them into flower (400 hps) about 5 days ago when they were 6/7" tall and they have now started to stretch.

I've noticed though that the stems are now really floppy. The plants look good, nice healthy colour and good plant structure etc. but the stems are like rubber, with the tops almost flopping over.

Is this normal for the strain or should I be doing something?



put a fan on em'. It'll simulate wind and tell the plant to start building a stronger stem. I have mine on when the lights are on at all times, their stems are solid.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply, yeah I have a fan on them. They were nice and rigid in veg (with no fan!). Perhaps they're just adjusting to new environment. I'll keep an eye on 'em and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Something is wrong!!!!

Plants stretch because of 3 things, not enough light, not enough water, and too much heat. Check those three things and u will be fine.


Active Member
put a fan on em'. It'll simulate wind and tell the plant to start building a stronger stem. I have mine on when the lights are on at all times, their stems are solid.

Simulation wind is the shit. hahaha.

I don't think a fan is simulating anything. It is wind!

That shit does not sound normal man!! Plants shouldn't be "floppy". It's awesome to know that you care so much as to show us pictures. Oh wait, you didn't. Shit.


Active Member
would have posted a pic but no cam. All you would see is a bunch of healthy looking clones. All nice and green with big shiny leaves and no burn, curl or anything unusual. I've been growing for a while and have about six different strains under my belt ( NL, WW, S#1, BB and various bagseed grows ) and never seen this before.

Something is wrong!!!!

Plants stretch because of 3 things, not enough light, not enough water, and too much heat. Check those three things and u will be fine.
They are on day 6 of 12/12, so I expect them to stretch, in fact they are doing good - short inter-node length etc.

I'm just gonna see what happens over the next few days before I start freaking.

I don't think a fan is simulating anything. It is wind!


Well-Known Member
Plants also stretch for the first 2-3 weeks of flower. But aside from the normal flower time stretch the flimsiness of your stems is a nutirent issue. Not totally sure on which issue causes flimsey stems though. Pics would definately help though.

What is your ph?
What do you feed them?
NPK values of the food?

We need these details....................


Active Member
What is your ph?
run off water if 6.8. I grow in a perlite (50%), vermiculite(35%) and sand(15%) mix.
What do you feed them?
chemical ferts with trace elements, plus a bit of epsom salts now and again. I feed every four days with just water on the third feed.
NPK values of the food?
veg is 15-10-10 and bloom is typically 12.5-12.5-15. but i keep veg nutes for first week of flower, then half veg and half bloom the second week.
75ish during day. 60 at night


Well-Known Member
Hey did your problem go away? If your intrested in a product that will give you sturdy stems try botanicare sweet. It comes in berry or citrus. I just got 4 chocolate chunk clones a couple days ago. Can you post any pics yet?


Active Member
the stems did go rigid eventually, I've put more clones in and they're doing the same thing. must be a strain thing.

problem I have now is my first lot are too big! only have a 9 inches of grow space left. gonna put them in flower earlier next time, two week veg must be too long for the size i need.

anhedonia - will try and hustle up some pics soon, have u got some for comparison? I wanna make sure mine are looking ok.


Well-Known Member
Mine are rooting right now but look as good as when I took them off the plant so Im guessing they'll be done rooting in about 5 or 6 days. I have my hands full right now as Ive aquired about 15 different strains all growing in my veg areas. Not too sure what my plan is. I'll flower one of those cc clones to see what type of genetics I got. Then I'll decide if Im going to keep a mother.