Chipped Female joint on $300 glass double perc!!!Help


Hey guys I appreciate any help i may get from you guys. The peice is still 100% functional, I just wanna prevent future damage. The chunk is missing from the female hole where you slide in the downstem, its still goes down and is air tight but occasionally i will find a small flat sliver of glass which i always assume is slowly chipping off the peice. I was wondering if anyone knew any kind of material that i can seal it with and possibly shape or sand it down to a smooth clean fix. I really wanna fix it id hate to see it get ruined over a small chipphoto-7.jpgphoto-4.jpgphoto-6.jpg

when i use my water filled ashcatcher i feel like it adds to much weight to the joint and i want it to be able to reliable fix. Ive also been going down to a few local headshops and looking for a glassblower but havent had luck.



Ursus marijanus
If you are getting bits of glass getting knapped off, it's either a misfit joint or you never were good at playing "Operation".

You can smooth the chipped areas with some carbide sandpaper. Also, if you have loose carbide grit (say 400) you can grind the stem into its receiver for a better fit. cn


Thank you for that suggestion il deff try that out, What happened is my roommate dropped something onto it, she is the one that always finds chips. in other words shes not allowed to use it anymore haha. The stem still fits in there good but theres a little bit of wiggle room. would that help ?


Ursus marijanus
I would definitely use some grit to grind that joint in, then. Wiggle causes local leverage effects that can continue flaking the glass. I'm pretty sure you can get the grit from craft stores and maybe auto supply. cn


hahahahahaha thank you so much guys! i used to have an account on here but forgot my name and password haha so had to start over, almost forgot how helpful everyone was. And btw i agree with the leverage because i think it only flakked when using the bubbler so ive been using the peice it came with instead. After i sand this down do you think id be able to support a attachment such as one of those horizontal perc pre-coolers?


Ursus marijanus
hahahahahaha thank you so much guys! i used to have an account on here but forgot my name and password haha so had to start over, almost forgot how helpful everyone was. And btw i agree with the leverage because i think it only flakked when using the bubbler so ive been using the peice it came with instead. After i sand this down do you think id be able to support a attachment such as one of those horizontal perc pre-coolers?
I would keep the outboard equipment minimal. That's a weak joint. Oh, and once you've ground the other bit in, it's a custom joint at that point. i didn't realize you wanted to change bits out.

But avoid hanging something heavy and sideways off that joint, is my advice. cn