
I didn't really reported as spam, according to Blue Wizard, I'm just working for that dollar.

Well, I'm chillin on rollitup, cuz i banged out this girl and she didn't go home, so she passed out while im CHILLIN.

Shit's not spam. I should rep slap you!
I would rep slap you back but rollitup took my privileges away for posting A link, love the way rules work here, so I shall like slap you!
Yeah I repped someone a link that someone asked for and rollitup banned my PM/rep privileges for spamming. I didn't wanna drop names (because it was another marijuana forum) so I figured I rep him. Even tho other people link other stuff all the time, I just so happen to get the punishment.

Suspicious system is suspicious...
Smoked up with a friend last night, watched tv and ate a bag of chips then we played paintball, went sledding, then tried both at the same time lol. Finoshed the night off with some halo 4, currently wake n bake, gonna be a good long friday :)