Cherry ak-47 ?

smoking chef

Well-Known Member
I just took clones from 3 ak47 ladies grown from seed. One of the plants has a real fruity smell to it. My question is does the cherry pheno show right away? Smells different from the other two for sure. Looks the same though. Really hoping it is! Thanks

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Wish I could help, but the last (and only) time I smoked Cherry AK it was a Cherry Kush x AK47 cross, not a phenotype strain.


Well-Known Member
Simon says there is no cherry phenotype in AK47. There are definitely sweet smelling phenotypes (quite common actually).


Well-Known Member
Cherry Ak used to be offered by reefer man seeds! But he shut down shop a while ago. I wanted to get his cherry ak47 back in '03 but it was already sold out and by the time marc emery got busted and his seed company shut down, C-ak47 was gone.

Plus, I've heard that serious seed's ak-47 had a real fruity pheno, maybe people called it cherry?

But yes kiddos, cherry ak-47 was a real thing at one point in time.


Well-Known Member
the cherry pheno, I don't really like. It smells like cherry and too strong of ganja butter. The kind of ganja butter where the smell can make you nauseous. I can't stand the smell of gnja butter. It shows its characteristics the same as most strains do.


Well-Known Member
Cherry Ak used to be offered by reefer man seeds! But he shut down shop a while ago. I wanted to get his cherry ak47 back in '03 but it was already sold out and by the time marc emery got busted and his seed company shut down, C-ak47 was gone.

Plus, I've heard that serious seed's ak-47 had a real fruity pheno, maybe people called it cherry?

But yes kiddos, cherry ak-47 was a real thing at one point in time.
Still is if you know the right people.