Cheezy Timer Warning (Accidental ReVeg Done Broke My Babies)


Starting about a week ago, I noticed some strange growth popping out of my Sativa plant buds at 5 weeks. The Indica plant was ho-hum. As the days went by, I became more alarmed, as the Sativa was quickly mutating into something strange. Two days ago, I noticed that I must have bumped the timer, because a couple of my "off tabs" had a few pushed in right in the middle of my "off" 12 period!!! Damn!!

Anyway, I feel like a dipshizz now, but at least things are explainable. About a week ago, I had switched to a new ballast, and in doing so I must have let some of the whipping around cords bump the sensitive timer tabs. Anyway, I'll chock this one up to a learning experience.

From what it looks like now, I am going to have to turn most of the Sativa plant into a batch of cannabutter anyway, since this particular (unknown from a mix pack) girl is now a mutated freak, albeit with some nice smelling trichs- about half milky. The indi girl is weathering the storm I have caused with much more fortitude and consistency. I will let them cook for the remaining couple of weeks and see how they recover.

The moral of the story- don't flail cables in your environment! AND, even if you think things are peachy, it behooves you to have a daily checklist when "peekin" at the plants, other than smelling your finger! My new item #1 on the checklist- did you f#*@ up the timer? Ugh!


Well-Known Member
I have recently switched to digital timers, they are accurate and they dont brake like mechanics. Just set it and go, nothing to afraid.


Well-Known Member
ahhh, something i never have to worry about.. my ballasts have built in digital timers :)

sorry about your plants :(


Well-Known Member
yeah, i still use other timers, for fans, light rail, co2 etc.
just nice having all your ballasts controlled via remote. with the remote setup ballasts all start at the same time, with the ignition control to not overload a breaker.

bit more on topic, i dont really have issues with analog timers anymore, but i have had mistakes in the past, with accidentally flipping a switch to on, etc.
had 1 timer break, and it was the surge protector with the built in timer. havent had an issue since tho.