Cheese- Feminized... First Grow here we go!

Sup guys i'm new to rollitup, and to growing altogether, just tired of prices and hassles so decided to actually try this time. Bought some feminized cheese seeds rom AMS and very happy. Altogether 8 days total from ordering to being in my mailbox, very discreet and fast!. So far, planted 3 cheese females along with about 7 far only the fuckin females have sprouted and 1 bagseed, i'm totally stoked. here are a few pics of my dome where they are resting and getting ready for the fun to start. Hope u guys can help me along the way and check out my progress. Peace!8-)


Here is just another update witha few pics, the babies are lookin good had one stretching a bit but other than that, they seem to be okay. Was wondering if anyone could give me some advice when is the right time to transplant them into solo plastic cups or a bigger container. They are roughly 2-3 inches tall above the pellets and I haven't seen roots out of the pellet yet. Any advice is appreciated thanks

