Check my photos


Active Member
Check out my photos and see if you can find problem.
I have put Cellmax earth grow mix in a 1,5 liter bottle ( the quantity stated on the receipt ) and i fed the plants everyday with water.
When I noticed the leafs started yellowing I interrupted the nute feed and now I am on normal water.
Those 2 are PPP Female, I have added to the box another 4 Snow White and I don't want the same problem for those.
I have a 120 X 120 X 200 growbox u can find on the net with 400 W sonlight agro ( for veg & flower state ).
I have a normal vent to move the air in the box.
The leafs also started bending towards the light and they feel very "hard" at touch.
The termometer in the box show almost 100 degrees.
Please advise



Well-Known Member
get them out of CLEAR containers slows the growth and can kill plants also fungus and crap can grow

mmmh also how old are they. they should be beign fen any thing yet from what I can see might be nute burn


Active Member
I changed containers.
The snow white female i put them in big containers as soon as they germinated.
I water all of them when the soil is really dry ( i just water them until water falls out on the bottom holes )
After how many weeks I should begin administer nutrients and what quantity ? the one writen on the bottle ?
Thank you
EDITED : They are 2 weeks old ( the big ones )



Well-Known Member
Your not supposed to give nutes till at least 4th week.
I still dont understand why people get super expensive seeds,
try to grow them, THEN they ask, oh..what do i do? :wall:
OK temps need to be 70-80 degrees dude..Humid 30 - 50%
You should get a cheep PH meter from lowes (has a ph and a
moisture meter in 1) Just do a little research dude BEFORE you
go plantin some PPP man. Do an experimental grow on some bagseed
first :-P


Active Member
And brother, I buy any seeds I like , if I like PPP I buy PPP I don't need to grow fake weed.
I invested over 400 euros in this and I expect to smoke some quality weed.
I just asked for some quality support no need to smash your head on that wall dude...chill...smoke a joint.
Thank you for the information by the way.
I`m trying to get the temp down but it won't got down I don't know what is wrong with this box.
I just got a inline fan I will try install it and see if it works better.
I have PH / Moisture meter ( the one with 2 metal sticks that you stick in the soil ) and it show that PH is 8
About humidity I will place order right away.
Thank you again


Well-Known Member
no nutes till the fourth month? my plant are done from seed to harvest in four months.
What do you grow? Fuckin lowryder lol?
Anyways not gonna hate but wtf seed to harvest in a month...
Sure..if you want a shitty yield..or if you do some nifty SoG
shit but NORMALLY in soil plants dont require nutes till 5th or 6th
week..(can be confirmed numerous places, grow books, THIS FORUM,
etc) I just prefer ( read what i say little man PREFER ) to give them
nutes, in a small dose, working up to a larger one starting at week
number what? YES you guessed it buddy..#4!!
I have spoken...


Well-Known Member
And brother, I buy any seeds I like , if I like PPP I buy PPP I don't need to grow fake weed.
I invested over 400 euros in this and I expect to smoke some quality weed.
I just asked for some quality support no need to smash your head on that wall dude...chill...smoke a joint.
Thank you for the information by the way.
I`m trying to get the temp down but it won't got down I don't know what is wrong with this box.
I just got a inline fan I will try install it and see if it works better.
I have PH / Moisture meter ( the one with 2 metal sticks that you stick in the soil ) and it show that PH is 8
About humidity I will place order right away.
Thank you again
Ok well thats all cool man i aint tryin to hate just giving some constrictive
critisizim. Anyway your PH should be between 6.0 - 7.0 (6.3 - 6.5 for best
results using digital PHing.) That you should already know, that can kill your
plants quickly. One day they look good then BAM..all disfigured and miscolored. And as for the humidity, you can get a humid. monitor like
10 bucks at ACE or lowes, or wallmart. As for your temps, they do tend
to build up in small areas, ie that box. But the fan should help.
Also it seems you got a lil spare money or so to blow incase you fuck up or
so, if so good. If your just expecting to shovel out a lot of moolah an get
'quality smoke' without knowing jack, THAT my friend, probably wont happen. But best of luck to ya :mrgreen:


Active Member
Dude you wrote four months not weeks; now your acting like hes wrong. You fucked up; most indoor grows will be complete in 4 months


Active Member
ok lets stop fighting kids...

your temps are WAY to high. if you only have 1 fan, make it an exhaust fan, and put it at the top!. then make a hole near the bottom of the room, that will act as an intake. that way it will actively exhaust hot hair through the fan, and passively bring in cool, fresh, new air from the hole at the bottom. that will lower your temps drastically, remember your goal temp is around 77. get a temp meter that records hi and low temps, that way if it is getting to hot when ur not opening the door to check on them you will know. since you bought a new fan as well, slap a cool tube on that light and use that fan to cool the light, which is your source of heat for that room.

you should not add nutes till the 2nd week. even then, you should be adding them at 1/4 strength and then work your way up to 3/4 strength by the end of the vegetative period.

now then, although earlytoker acted in a douchey way (that wasn't constructive criticism, it was downright rude man!) he was correct about a few things. one being that you cannot just buy a bunch of stuff and know nothing about growing and think everything will be ok. click on GrowFAQ at the top left of your screen. READ EVERYTHING!!! then google anything you might be questioning, and read through the stickies in this forum. and you're PH needs to stay around 6.3 or you will have some major problems.

but Early, you did say 4 MONTHS in your first post, NOT 4 weeks, which is why theman was going WTF? 4 months is a rediculous ammount of time to not give nutrients and there is no way your plants would servive, if they did, they would be very pitiful.


Active Member
ok lets stop fighting kids...

your temps are WAY to high. if you only have 1 fan, make it an exhaust fan, and put it at the top!. then make a hole near the bottom of the room, that will act as an intake. that way it will actively exhaust hot hair through the fan, and passively bring in cool, fresh, new air from the hole at the bottom. that will lower your temps drastically, remember your goal temp is around 77. get a temp meter that records hi and low temps, that way if it is getting to hot when ur not opening the door to check on them you will know. since you bought a new fan as well, slap a cool tube on that light and use that fan to cool the light, which is your source of heat for that room.

you should not add nutes till the 2nd week. even then, you should be adding them at 1/4 strength and then work your way up to 3/4 strength by the end of the vegetative period.

now then, although earlytoker acted in a douchey way (that wasn't constructive criticism, it was downright rude man!) he was correct about a few things. one being that you cannot just buy a bunch of stuff and know nothing about growing and think everything will be ok. click on GrowFAQ at the top left of your screen. READ EVERYTHING!!! then google anything you might be questioning, and read through the stickies in this forum. and you're PH needs to stay around 6.3 or you will have some major problems.

but Early, you did say 4 MONTHS in your first post, NOT 4 weeks, which is why theman was going WTF? 4 months is a rediculous ammount of time to not give nutrients and there is no way your plants would servive, if they did, they would be very pitiful.

Thank you bro, I will take care of that.


Active Member
I`m back lol :D
Transfered the plants in bigger pots.
The red pots are PPP the other are Snow White
The PPP plants have lower leaves drying and fall off ( yellow with brown stain sometimes )
The snow white plants are still young I don't want to fuck these up also I already ordered a digital ph meter, it should reach me in 2 days.
As you people said , I will not administer nutes until the 4th week and then I will give them 1/4 of the normal quantity.
Any ideea how to make the PPP's feel better ?

