Cheap ozone generators


Active Member
I'm building a fairly small room, which will have good in and out ventilation..

I'm looking at filtering options.. I know there are more effective ways of filtering, but how do you think a cheap ozone generator would work in a small, well ventilated room? For eg:

600mgh Ozone Generator Water Air Sterilizer Ozonizer Oz - eBay (item 300247780987 end time Aug-07-08 21:21:26 PDT)

If this IS effective, it would be so much easier than other options.. Also, how dangerous would it be to sleep in the same room as the unit? I;ve heard too much ozone is bad for you.. but surely a small unit like this with good ventilation would be ok.

Do you guys think this would work in removing smell from a small room? I'm not looking to COMPLETELY get rid of it, but would like to reduce a bit