Cheap N' Easy CO2


Active Member
hey hows it goin guys. as the title says im lookin for a cheap way to get some co2 over my setup. maybe something like the 2 liter bottle and yeast trick. does it work? directions would be very much appreciated. thank guys
take it easy :peace:


Active Member
thanks mogie. i was lookin around on the site but i couldnt find it, figures theres even a section called cheap n easy. i feel like a dumbass. too much reefer. lol


Well-Known Member
Items Required:
* 10lb. white sugar
* 5 gallon clean bucket W/lid
* 4 1/2 gallons of water
* A piece of toast browned and hard
* A table spoon of dry active yeast (for baking bread)

First boil the water, (this will ensure clean water) remove from the heat and add the sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves. Let cool until water is room temperature (if you don't let it cool down it won't work).
After the sugar water has cooled, float the piece of toast on top of the water. Now, empty the tablespoon of yeast over the toast. After a few days, the yeast will take over the toast and start making bubbles (CO2) in the bucket. After a week, the amount of bubbling (CO2) will increase.
Keep the lid airtight on the bucket. CO2 travels up the dispersion tubing, and due to it being heavier than air, falls directly onto your plants. Timing your exhaust, is essential in maintaining an effective level of CO2.


I used the sugar+yeast + 2lt method

I found using 3/4th cup of sugar worked better than the 1 cup of sugar stated in some of the other guides.

I used 1 tsp of yeast.

When mixing the yeast and sugar with the water. MAKE SURE, that the water isn't TOO hot i recommend using a warm water.

I filled the water up to the TOP white part of the 2lt (AFTER ripping off the "packaging" on the out side of it).

Shake it up well.


I warmed up something sharp ( siccosrs, screwdriver, knife,ect.....) Stabbed a hole in it and put one of those Bubble locks, ( on the top to regulate the air flow. I made the hole small enough to where the end would barely fit in there that way it would be very snug. You can use regular glue around the top to create a nice seal that way ur precious co2 only excapes one way.

It takes like 2 hours tops to see action i usually see mine start to bubble good within 30 mins.

KROGER sells yeast if u cant get any, any where else. They have super active yeast, im assuming that would work better than regular yeast but i haven't tried it yet.


Also i have one per plant and every since i started using them it has really improved my plants

Make sure u position them ABOVE your plants so the co2 will FALL on top of your plants and not jus sit at the bottom of them.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, the cheapest way to emit Co2 is to just simply breathe on your plants.
But who's gonna sit there and do that everyday for 8 weeks. That's insane.
Before you start buying into any crazy scheme of ways to emit Co2 cheaply.
Get a Ppm meter to see how much atmospheric Co2 you actually have in your grow area.
You'd be surpised.
Most people's basements have at least 600 - 800 Ppms of Co2 already down there.
Outside the Ppm's are in between 300 - 400.
When I used to grow, I did the real thing with tanks and regulators.
When the Co2 was released, it only brought the Co2 levels to 1200 Ppm's once every hour for 15 minutes when the lights were on.
Yes, my yields were a bit more. But not alot more. If I was do it all over again, I wouldn't of even wasted the money on the Co2 setup.
The best thing you can do is to keep every leaf in your grow room fluttering.
That way the leaf is constantly getting fresh air.
The leaves are constantly transpiring and need fresh air at all times.
The fresher the air in the room the better, and try to exhaust the room as much and quickly as possible.