cheap L.E.d lights


Well-Known Member
looks to good to be true. are you in the u.s? if so just buy american, they have many u.s. companies selling really good leds man do some research before you buy
I have several of these. They are suitable for seedlings and additional supplemental lighting only. Also, they only cover about 1 sq foot of foliage. You will be ok if you use these with cfls. I can get a pic if u need
hi, thanks all for quick replies, so they would not be ok for budding? just veg?, would it be ok to grow with led untill ready to bud then use cfl? .what would happen if i tryed budding with them too? would the weed just be not very good or would they just not work? i want to keep cost as low as poss to start off with. im from the uk and the place where theyre sold is just up the road from me . pics would be brill! thanks all
The problem with these is that they are very low output. They draw less than 20 watts... Your plant is not going to have what it needs to put out anything of quality if you are primarily relying on these.


Well-Known Member
Serious Squirrel hit the nail on the head. Any led light featuring diodes that output less than 1w per is not going to give you want you're after (that is unless you're growing lettuce). If you want results, find something that produces at least 2w per diode, is manufactured in the USA, has at least a 2 year warranty, and draws over 100w of actual power. Those pannels probably produce 1/10th of a watt per diode.

In my experience that is the only kind of light that will rival results produced with traditional HID lighting. Unfortunatley these lights cost serious money. Cheap LED lights for effective cannabis growth do not exist. I have pics in the journal in my signature if you're interested. I'm currently running 350w of LED grow lights.