Chai seeds as organic potassium supplement?

Hey guys, just started here. May be a silly question but my organic plants are low on K and I happen to have a bag of organic chai seeds laying around, to which there is roughly 200mg potassium per 2 TBS. I was wondering if grinding some in the nutri ninja would be worth using as a soil amendment/ source of organic potassium, if it works that way. I don’t have easy access to organic fertilizers where I am, and don’t know much about this. Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
The only study i read about using chai seeds as a nutrient uptake amendment said that it was only feasible to use them in a compost pile cause the calcium and the potassium derived from ground-up chai seeds took to long to break-down when the ground-up chai seeds were directly added to the soil as an amendment. But they did find something else that was very interesting in the resulting process of ground-up chai seeds breaking down in the soil. Supposedly when ground-up chai seeds break-down "mucilage" is formed, and "mucilage" has a naturally ability to block plants from up taking to much water when the soil environment they are growing in is way over saturated. So, in simple terms, they found that "mucilage" helps plants always take up equal ratios of nutrients and water no matter the water moisture level that exists in the soil environment that a plant is living in when an amendment of ground-up chai seeds were added to that soil. Anyhow... I don't really remember what the actual ratio that they used in their study, but it was related to cf(s)., so think that's why in my notes I converted it to tsp(s) and it came out to using 1.1 tsp of ground-up chai seeds per gallon of soil or a soilless medium to mimic their studies results. And if you look-up Researcher "Pascal Benard", you should find links to that American Society of Agronomy study!
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