CFL's for Auto-ak47


Well-Known Member
So i've had my auto-ak47 seeds for about a week. I don't want then to go bad but my flower room is in use and is on 12/12.
My veg room only has 1 120W cfl. I have another one but they are both 55ooK(veg bulb). The veg room is 2 ft tall so i'm sure it'll hold them but i don't want dirt bud because it didn't have flowering spectrum bulbs. The veg is 20/4 but the flower is 12/12. If i moved them there after the first two vegging weeks, will the 12/12 cyvcle kill it? i'm sure it need 20hrs of light. What do you guys think????



Well-Known Member
dude putting them into the 12/12 will not hurt them, just sucks because the whole idea of autoflowering is giving them max amount of light


Well-Known Member
well i can have them in an area with 1 or 2 120W 5500K cfls? Or would they need red spectrum light. They would be sitting right next to my 2 clones.


Well-Known Member
If your flowering room is in use, just wait bro. What i would do is wait until the girls in the flowering room now are about 2 weeks from harvest, then start the seeds and keep them in the veg room until you harvest the other girls you have, you will then be clear to put the AKs in the flowering room. That make any sense? Don't rush, those Lowlifes are beautys.

Peace out x


Well-Known Member
well, i decided to go with germing 3 seeds. Hopefully i'll get a male and female, and i can just throw them outside. If i have to flower a female inside i guess i'll buy more lights...


Well-Known Member
seeds last a really long time, they don't go bad very easily. just keep them relatively cool and dry. i keep mine in a black film canister and i've heard of them lasting for many years this way. just wait til some room opens up before you germ.


Well-Known Member
i got the 10 pack 1auto-ak. I liked the little card that came with it. ***SHINY!***
Haha, thats exactly what i thought, i stared at it for a good 2 minutes or so. I was well chuffed when i got a pack of Swiss outdoor mix and a grinder free with the order as well!

Peace out x