CFLs for 2 plants


Active Member
How many 23w CFLs would i need for two plants?
Should i use 6500k for vegging? If so how many
and how many 2500k should i use for flowering?
Thanks in advance :-P

cannabis kid

New Member
no you use the 2700k for flowering. 6500k is for veg. get 3 lights for each plant. and for veg have one of the three be 2700k and the other 2 be 6500k. then for flowering have 1 6500k and the other 2 be 2700k. that will balance the spectrum and give you the best posible results


Active Member
More imput please :-o

I was thinkin bout usin 4 6500k 23w's and 2 2500k's for veg.
Then adding 6 more 2500k's for flowering. Would i get a decent
yield with that? Im aimin for a least a QP.

cannabis kid

New Member
you mean a quarter ounce right? a quater pound is like 5 really good plants. but if you putt the lights you said then youd proly get a little over an ounce=}


Active Member
Im sure i could pull it askin some more experienced growers anyway.
Cuz i saw SeeMoreBuds book an he got like 5 oz off 2 plants using 6 42w's.
Thats 16800 lumens but 12 23w's would be 21600 lumens..

cannabis kid

New Member
yeah but he used a hydro setup didnt he? that shit will double your yeild under perfect conditions..... try a hempy bucket its the greatest media to grow marijuana in in my opinion. perfect dranage and low maintanence hydro. siiiiick


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