Howdy from the land of "ya'll"

I look forward to the knowledge offered on this site, and any feed back is appreciated.

This is my first ever attempt at growing anything, ever.

My PC case is not finished, and will be receiving necessary upgrades along the way.

Dimensions: 16Lx17Hx7W in inches.

Lighting: 1 four tube flat 27w 6500k CFL(4pin) I destroyed a lamp for it, and the ballast. 12/12

Ventilation: Stock PC fans wired to 5v phone chargers. Once I need a carbon filter, I will hook up the exhaust fan to a 12v power supply.

Soil: cheapo w/ fertilizer balls w/ mulch.

Strain: BAG SEED, couple different ones, both schwaggggggggg ( I still don't smoke brown sh** :) )

Progress: I'll be posting a whole lot of photos of it's daily development, because I have nothing better to do :)

Day 1

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Tomorrow is day 8 since germination on the big one.


Active Member
Nice setup so far u need to fix a few things one separate them plants before roots get tangled up. bad n die 2. If u use them
Clear cups put black tape or something around them light hits the roots bad. Other than that good luck n all looks good so far


Active Member
To help if it was my grow id black duck tape cups n put tinfoil around edge cup down inside more light bouncing around on them
So, it doesn't look much different than in the last pic, but it is starting to smell like straight SKUNK if you touch it, of even just smell it. What makes holes in the leaves without any discoloration? Rapid growth? There are no bugs/mites at all. i've checked with a magnifying glass. Also started the plant on a worm casting tea diet.


Active Member
What are your temps? Take a pic of it like to see these holes u speak of i had slugs attack my outdoor before holed the fuck ta it i had to veg extra 30 cuz Damn slugs n smell dont mean much it could be a male my stinkys one i had was a male i was dissaponted it smelled so good hope not for you good luck on ur grow did u cover ur clear cups that could be y its getting holes also
My temps are staying pretty good. It seems a bit warmer since I put the second cup in, but i only have 1 running currently, i dont feel the need for the others til i get more lights. It cant possibly be any higher than 80, but I'm confident it's lower. the bulb has a fan blowing on it, and I can touch it without discomfort.

I'll post more pictures tomorrow night, of day to day progression. It will show the holes. The only living thing in my room/casing is my plants. No creatures/bugs/slime.
Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Three different looking seedlings. The one on the left looks the same as the older plant. The seedling on the right, used to be in the cup with the big one, and is growing fastest even though I pulled it out of the ground by its stem. The round leaf one is chill though.

skinny ass stem, also I can see something round and green forming dead center of the connection of that leaf, and the same one on the other side. can't get a picture yet, fingers crossed.

worm castings tea, from a box of fishing worms lol
Looks good need to cover cups up

I did lol. Had to do it twice on the big plant lol. roots at every part of the cup. Looking for a suitable transplant container, but being rootbound is really keeping it short, so I'm scared to mix it up. first two 5 leaf leaves came in today.

There is some kind of formation in between the leaf stems and the main stems. I don't know if it is showing sex, or making new branches yet.

I hope it lives. Fucker Didn't want to leave it's cup.

The main plant is now in a 6 inch plastic pot with twice as much soil as the cup had.

Gonna kill a seedling, and put on in the other cup.

Think I'm keeping the round leaf one for sure. I'm curious to how it will do.


Active Member
Id like see some pics n future note shake it upside down with fingers around main steam always worked for me sometimes have to hit the sides a lil
Id like see some pics n future note shake it upside down with fingers around main steam always worked for me sometimes have to hit the sides a lil

Okay, I'm working on pics right now. And that's exactly what I did lol, but I watered last night, so the soil was way moist, and came out in clumps. Next time I'm definitely doing this when they are thirsty.

Day 11 (4/28)

Day 12 (4/29)

Day 13 (4/30 current day when posted)

stem is right at 2 inches flat above soil.

Made possible by this single 27watt 6500k bulb, its 4pin has a ballast, w/e

Day 14 since sprouted is 5/1, or 15 days since seed planted.


Active Member
Yea lookin good and alot better with black pots not them poo poo clear cups lol looks nice bro keep at her