CFL Mazar Grow - Looks good except for a few things - Half journal started - Check it


Active Member
Hey all -

**RIU has helped us greatly in achieving information on how to grow using CFL's. I have been browsing the website for a while now and really do appreciate the information readily available to all of us members, so thanks muchos for that.

Its my roomies and mine first real attempt at a grow, myself i have not much knowledge, my roomate however has some experience with it, nothing at a large scale at all - we are growing strictly for personal reasons. We've set up a box that measures around 3 X 3 X 4, it is made of metal - an old filing cabinet if you can imagine. We *planned* on using a lot of lights, we do have a lot, but we wanted way more, we have run into heat issue but after installing 2 outs and 2 ins (shitty eh!) the temps are hovering around 81-85 and 71 at night. This is what we've used for our light set up in both Veg and our flowering set up:

Please Note : flowering stage has *just* started, about a week in today.

Veg - (6) 26 Watt 6500k and (2) 23 Watt 6500k
Flower - (6) 42 2700k ; (2) 6500k

*We did buy ( 8 )42 2700k bulbs, and had intentions of putting all 8 in there with a couple more lower wattage 2700 on the side as well as a couple 6500 on the sides but we could not with the temperature issue. Is it more beneficial to have simply all 42W 2700k and no 6500k bulbs at all, or is the current flowering set up better with the 6500k bulbs?

Both plants history is not good, around 4 weeks in or so when they were only 6 inches or so we over watered. To fix this we transplanted into the bigger pots that you see now, and added a 10-2-8 nute mixture in the soil. This seemed to help they *greatly*, it was pretty much a live or die scenario. At that point they looked like they were going to be doing fine, we only noticed the curling type happening on one plant, and not the other though - both of them have some leaves, more towards the bottom of the plant, that have turned yellow and somewhat brown..almost dead. About 80% of the plant seems to be green over all with some light burn on the tips, but not too bad.

What is hard for me to understand is why one plant looks fine, not to droopy and mostly all there except for the lower leaves, but the other plant is curling at the ends of the fan leaves and seems to be way more stressed. The plant is for the most part, i think, alright..except for the lower leaf there that is completely yellow, and a few others that are around the plant, basic area of the plant.

You might notice that the higher sections of the plants are in somewhat better shape than the bottom. I understand not much light is getting to the bottom, and that i'm using CFL, but its really bad in some sections,. You can also see the temps and humidity in there at that point in time...which is somewhat relative. Both are showing some signs of the same thing - especially as far as the yellowing and browning of some of the fan leaves is concerned.

One more piece of info - the soil that we used when we transplanted is an MG potting soil, but when we first started the mix that we used was more of like a multchy type deal, was an organic mixture that we wanted to try out. One thing that i do notice though, is that there are little little black fly's chilling in the soil, and sometimes flying around on the leaves..The plants don't show signs of the bugs doing anything harmful to them, but they are just all around in the soil.

My only guess at this point is that they are deficient in MG N and possibly K because we have only transplanted once, and given it nutes once, which was some time ago. Overheating inside the box might be a factor as well.

Any input would be fantastic - being a paranoid person i wasn't exactly keen of starting a journal or even posting pictures, but I'd really like to have some input on the plants alone and the problems that they face.

Here is a bunch of pictures to get an idea :joint:


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Well-Known Member

Hey all -

**RIU has helped us greatly in achieving information on how to grow using CFL's. I have been browsing the website for a while now and really do appreciate the information readily available to all of us members, so thanks muchos for that.

Its my roomies and mine first real attempt at a grow, myself i have not much knowledge, my roomate however has some experience with it, nothing at a large scale at all - we are growing strictly for personal reasons. We've set up a box that measures around 3 X 3 X 4, it is made of metal - an old filing cabinet if you can imagine. We *planned* on using a lot of lights, we do have a lot, but we wanted way more, we have run into heat issue but after installing 2 outs and 2 ins (shitty eh!) the temps are hovering around 81-85 and 71 at night. This is what we've used for our light set up in both Veg and our flowering set up:

Please Note : flowering stage has *just* started, about a week in today.

Veg - (6) 26 Watt 6500k and (2) 23 Watt 6500k
Flower - (6) 42 2700k ; (2) 6500k

*We did buy ( 8 )42 2700k bulbs, and had intentions of putting all 8 in there with a couple more lower wattage 2700 on the side as well as a couple 6500 on the sides but we could not with the temperature issue. Is it more beneficial to have simply all 42W 2700k and no 6500k bulbs at all, or is the current flowering set up better with the 6500k bulbs?

Both plants history is not good, around 4 weeks in or so when they were only 6 inches or so we over watered. To fix this we transplanted into the bigger pots that you see now, and added a 10-2-8 nute mixture in the soil. This seemed to help they *greatly*, it was pretty much a live or die scenario. At that point they looked like they were going to be doing fine, we only noticed the curling type happening on one plant, and not the other though - both of them have some leaves, more towards the bottom of the plant, that have turned yellow and somewhat brown..almost dead. About 80% of the plant seems to be green over all with some light burn on the tips, but not too bad.

What is hard for me to understand is why one plant looks fine, not to droopy and mostly all there except for the lower leaves, but the other plant is curling at the ends of the fan leaves and seems to be way more stressed. The plant is for the most part, i think, alright..except for the lower leaf there that is completely yellow, and a few others that are around the plant, basic area of the plant.

You might notice that the higher sections of the plants are in somewhat better shape than the bottom. I understand not much light is getting to the bottom, and that i'm using CFL, but its really bad in some sections,. You can also see the temps and humidity in there at that point in time...which is somewhat relative. Both are showing some signs of the same thing - especially as far as the yellowing and browning of some of the fan leaves is concerned.

One more piece of info - the soil that we used when we transplanted is an MG potting soil, but when we first started the mix that we used was more of like a multchy type deal, was an organic mixture that we wanted to try out. One thing that i do notice though, is that there are little little black fly's chilling in the soil, and sometimes flying around on the leaves..The plants don't show signs of the bugs doing anything harmful to them, but they are just all around in the soil.

My only guess at this point is that they are deficient in MG N and possibly K because we have only transplanted once, and given it nutes once, which was some time ago. Overheating inside the box might be a factor as well.

Any input would be fantastic - being a paranoid person i wasn't exactly keen of starting a journal or even posting pictures, but I'd really like to have some input on the plants alone and the problems that they face.

Here is a bunch of pictures to get an idea :joint:
Welcome..they look pretty good..I myself would use a nute higher in P & K..I use a 20-20-20, for veg & go to a 10-25-20 sort of ratio for flower.. for the Mg I use epsom salts..$5.oo drugstore.. it worked great for me, but only as a cure, not all the time. I used 1/2 teaspoon per gal. water.. the yellow leave is prob. from low N levels ..also if you tie (lst) your plants you need good air circulation at the soil stem get leaves that stay damp and die off.. I'm using molasses during flowering..same ratio as Mg, but at every watering during flower...You could get a fly strip at the hardware to take care of flies...All & all they look good...Luck:mrgreen:


Active Member

Welcome..they look pretty good..I myself would use a nute higher in P & K..I use a 20-20-20, for veg & go to a 10-25-20 sort of ratio for flower.. for the Mg I use epsom salts..$5.oo drugstore.. it worked great for me, but only as a cure, not all the time. I used 1/2 teaspoon per gal. water.. the yellow leave is prob. from low N levels ..also if you tie (lst) your plants you need good air circulation at the soil stem get leaves that stay damp and die off.. I'm using molasses during flowering..same ratio as Mg, but at every watering during flower...You could get a fly strip at the hardware to take care of flies...All & all they look good...Luck:mrgreen:

Thanks alot for the reply, Twisty

Yeah i LST'd without even knowing what exactly LST was - heh. I'll put some of the smaller fans facing the soil/stalk to see if that helps some. Should we do a flush or just add some epsom salt next time we water? We wern't planning on transplanting again, im not too sure if i can just add nutes to the soil again for the flowering regiment, seeing how the soil getting pretty old now should we flush and add more nutes? Higher nute solution i think is for sure in order, but what do we need to do to make them start feeling and looking a little more healthy before they flower? Re-Nute with a better bloom fert?
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Active Member
So i bought some better nutes for flowering that also has a good amount of nitrogen since im seeing a huge deficiency with that. its a 15-30-15 MG nute that i've mixed into one gallon of water. I did not even bother to flush im just trying this out to see if i will achieve more health.

I'll post pictures soon as an update - i've tied down more branches too..looks pretty good as far as bushyness is concered. The only thing im really worried about is not flushing it before watering it with nutes and the damage that is done thus far.

Any further comments or tips are *Very* welcome and appreciated.

Thanks ! :joint:


Well-Known Member
i have 5 mazar seeds germing right now. I know im late on this journal, but how did the grow end up? Any pictures during flower?