Cfl lighting help please.


Well-Known Member
HI guys,been a member on rollitup for around 2weeks now and im struggling with my lighting setup even after reading all the current's a simple yes,no question really so i'll just carry on and ask it...i have 2 3ft x 2ft x 6ft tall grow cupboards,1 for veg,1 for flower...i plan to grow 4 plants in these cupboards and i'm wondering if these lights will do the trick...1 light in each cupboard(blue/red)250w high output CFL system....i cant seem to find any specs on these lights which is why ive had to ask in the forums...many thanks


Well-Known Member
For that price I think you're better off getting MH and HPS systems.
ok having taken your advice and read through the forums again im thinking mh/hps is the way to go,i only thought about cfls for their ease of use for a first time grower.There's no point wasting money for my first set of lights but theres huge choices out there so i could do with a few pointers towards the best 400w MH and HPS lights for my cupboard.Was wondering if the grolux 400w dual spectrum was and good with the diamond reflector?.....Any help would be greatly appreciated guys.