CFL lighting advice - save a lil money


Active Member
:blsmoke:Hey all, it was the infamous yard sale saturday today and while im not really one to wake up at 7 on a saturday, my mom talked me into (she just needed my truck). So while I was sucking down coffee and hitting a roach, trying to recover from last night's hangover, I got this great idea about what I should be looking for while in the land of the used and cheap. I found 6 lamps (for cfls) that are all so conveniently positionable and I think I only paid like 10 bucks altogether for them from various yard sales. And, a lot of them came with CFL light bulbs already in them! That was just luck of the draw but still I dont know about you but finding the right fixtures and lamps was becoming a problem for me. Right now Im just growing in a kitchen cabinet but pretty soon, when the plants get a little taller, I plan to move them into a closet and these taller stand up lamps will give me the ability to light all different areas of my plants. Well anyway, I just wanted to share this with yall - maybe u could get some inspiration if you see another yard sale sign?:blsmoke: