CFL Grow AK-48 & Snow White


3 ak-48 feminized
3 Snow white feminized

Under 2 T8 18" 6500k flourescent tubes, 15 watts each, 700 lumens each
and 1 CFL 6500k daylight 26Watts
light cycle 12/12, fan comes on at the same time as the light

I feed Botanicare Pure Blend Pro grow 3-2-4, once a week, and str8 water here and there between nute feeds
Ph about 6, I use drop tester, not exact but close enough, I hope

Soil Organic Roots by Aurora w/ perlite
Temps around 75-80, humidity 40%

It has been 1 month now and these thing are tiny and not bushy at all, I have to wait 3 weeks for room in my flower room, till then I'd like to get these ladies as bushy as possible!!!!! I just topped all of them yesterday, I hope I did it correctly

Help my Bush GROW!!!!!

