Cfl/flou basic grow 3-1/2 months


Well-Known Member
Well here it is a basic cfl grow more then 3 months old i started out with a 16/8 light/dark cycle which i dident figure out till 2 weeks lata after it sprouted so i started to give it a 24/0 for like 2 months sometimes id take it out into my garden then in at night under the lamps when i could this was done using only bare items poormans stuff. So heres the setup one gv 23w daylight cfl which puts out about 1450l at 5000k also added a 2ft flou office industrial flex lamp which gives off 5000k about only 840w there but the spectrum is much wider which helps i also have the 4 footers tubes with ge plant bulbs but the only thing is that gody big thing uses 80w and alot of light was wasted which is why im going small . For maximum light use i use white reflectors from paper which you can get decent package of like 1000 sheets for printers for like only 5 bucks then u take some cardboard and cut a couple pieces now to glue the paper to the cardboard i just bought some car headliner adhesave and you just spray alil on the cardboard sticks perfectly for me. i also use a shoplight clamp fixture which they sell at hd pretty cheap has a metal reflector not to meantion when using cfls they work best in a fixture facing down not standing up ive also added a piece of foil on the inside of the shoplight reflector which makes it work much better at reflecting. Now for nutes i used indoor plant spikes from mg to start off in veg. I know there are some of you people who claim they dont work or aint the right nutes but as you will see everything is fine i also added some worm castings. the only mistake i made was adding too many plant spikes to the pot which resulted in over nuting. I have a 3 gallon pot that is all the soil is just some moisture control mg which might i add already had some nutes in it os i really dident need to add anything till flowering. Now for flowering i used a pinch of chicken shit worm castings and couple more plant spikes. Now the kicker i also used a special multi vitamin which i also added to the water you should know what your doing before u add anything i knew what was in the multi vitamins almost all of the ingredients in what i used is safe for mj meaning your crop shouldent die from adding any if anything its gonna help if u add the right amount by now i got sorta a dark green mixture of mg spikes worm castings chicken shit and the multi vitamin in a big cup with distiled water premixed worked well so far i wouldent use this mixture in vegging stage too many nutes. hope everyone likes. oh and the strain is belived to be a sativa canadian strain something from an online store which prolly aint around anymore gotta love the tiger stripes i put seeds in soil if they come up im good i never use cups of water or towels anymore because with those methords almost anything could come up i go seed to soil ive found thats the best way to assure good seeds.


Well-Known Member
well its been awhile but i had a pic of the thing at 2 weeks ill post that first then ima post at 3 weeks pic ive also added some special blend nutes made cow chicken and bat shit which had been mixed and soaked together i find the best thing to do with good organics like those ferts and mix em in a bucket of distilled water and let everything soak for a day or 2 then use that water very good ferts im sure there could be more then that in this mix as i dident make it but ive herd mixing and soaking works well. So heres the first pic at 2 weeks

pic is 2 weeks flowering

If you can see threw the blur this last pic is at 3 weeks flower/budding i got that one bud still but now it looks like the bud is growing away from the leaves idk if that is good??? the bud also looks sorta red like light red it cant be done this early??? ands it is so tiny i doubt i would even get a hit???? i looks like 10th of an inch between the last flower and the bud ?? does the buds usually grow off the leaves or stay close to them??? well hopefully u people like only thing is i dont notice any odor no skunk smell or nothing should i be too worried ?? ive had doubts about this thing even being mj but today i used a microscope and aimed it at that bud and i saw abunch of clear goopy salt looking like things sorta gel like all over so i would assume its deff mj and i know i dident put anything else in the soil i had started with 2 babies the first one that started was a runt but i still killed off the newer plant and went with the runt hopefully i can get atleast one j for first time dryed


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well its been about 4 months and ive got no buds maybe due to light leaks some how i thought i saw one 3 weeks ago but it just flowered again now i sorta see 4 lil pointy things sorta spreading out with 2 white like hairs above. basicly 4 lil pointed things which will prolly widdle away then in the middle 2 leafs sorta closed with 2 white hairy things one on each side growing about the middle closed leafs i dont know if that is the starting of a bud or what as ive never gotten anything this far. I also had a brown like hole in 2 of my leafs then i notice couple days later one leaf starting to turn brown so i went in my dark cycle place where the pot is and i noticed apon lighting a lighter it was what i suspected a medium sized black bug like 4 of them the lil fuckers were nibbling for food and a nice buzz every night i wouldent doubt if the bugs get stoned i killed all i saw hopefully they dont come back i should just pick up a bottle of seven that outta control my pest problem safely


Well-Known Member
i finally realised i dident have an mj plant after 4 months of fucking watering giving nutes and trying different lights im so pissed off i should have known it wasntb mj awhile ago and i should have left the the secondthing that came up in my pot alone as that smelled like skunk sorta real young and stupid me i kept the plant with the smaller stem going which was obviously somehow an outdoor garden plant of some type and to think even one was worried about niegbhors andsuch when it wasnt even a real plant. i was sure it was a killer plant from canada strains but what awaste like 50 bucks or more in electricity money on soils and ferts damn. i was thinking of starting another but i would be there till january prolly and its harder in the winter plus i dont wanna buy a new pot even though ppl say dont reuse an old pot i just wanna get by basic


Well-Known Member
how did you think it was pot in the first place and i hope you dident spend money on the plant/seeds themselves