cfl, first soil grow.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
I started out using hydro so I'm not that good with soil.. yet. I'm using super soil and water because she's still in veg. I have two 40wt cfl's on her right now, after her first night of dark I'll be upgrading that to, 2 or maybe 3 64wt cfl's so she can really take off. She's been vegging for 2 weeks maybe 3. Almost has her 8th set of true leaves. Almost looks like a sativa. It's really starting to bush out these last couple days. I'm new to growing in soil so any advice is appreciated. This is an extra seed that came with the critical haze I ordered. This will be my test grow


Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Wow I think she is autoflowering.. I can see very very small pistils popping out of what appears to be female parts. What do you guys think? by the way she grew atleast 4'' since that last pic. Her nodes are really close together too


Active Member
Some strains show sex early on compared to others (skunk #1 based hybrids are a particular example) and you can easily sex while still vegging, other strains the pistils are too small to accurately determine. The wider leaves suggest that you should expect a fairly short plant with nice dense buds. Your leaves look extremely healthy from the pics however the curling on the edges shown in the second pic suggests that it is too hot in there for them, I would look at dropping the temp or backing the lights up a touch.

For one plant the lighting you are mentioning sounds ideal.


Quick general CFL question: If I get a true 125 w CLF light (not equivalent) do I need a ballast or can I roll with one of those $12 Home Depot clip lights?

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Quick general CFL question: If I get a true 125 w CLF light (not equivalent) do I need a ballast or can I roll with one of those $12 Home Depot clip lights?
Just screw it into anything, you don't necessarily need a reflector, but don't plug them into dimmers.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Does it look like a might have over-watered?

And this is this critical haze I topped yesterday. any comments are appreciated! I'm a noob at soil



Active Member
In those pics it hardly looks bad at all, so I would just keep an eye on it. You will see in a few days if it's a watering issue.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
In those pics it hardly looks bad at all, so I would just keep an eye on it. You will see in a few days if it's a watering issue.
Thanks for the advice. and its been awhile since the last pics and its really gettin big, i put it into flower on friday I can already smell it! Sometime tomorrow im going to get some nutes from a local shop.. what do you guys suggest?

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Alright so its been about 3-5 days flowering, it's a girl, 2 pistols shot out of female parts. Its doing really well, faint smells are coming on and its colors are changing somewhat red. I think its going to be some fire :weed: it's a little over 1 ft, its extremely bushy, dense wise. Any harvest guesses? Any advice would help alot.


Hydro Hippy

Active Member
It is growing pretty fast, especially since it's flowering now, and im using foxfarm
and have been feeding her black strap molasses

rural hick

Well-Known Member
molasses does nothing for the plant directly. all it does is make the soil more friendly to micro nutes. like a environment that helps the plant uptake some micro-nutes readily.
have you tried superthrive in your soil?

the bat poop in the fox farm must be really good.