Celing limits for grow box with 1000 watts


Active Member
Hello fellow patients:

I am building my box for my bloom stage and the celing in the room is only 80 inches high......6.5 feet. With the light fixtures height being fugured into the equation is my celing going to be high enough?

What is the avarage distance that my 1000 watt fixture will be to the tops of my plants? I know I have the option of putting like chicken wire over the tops of the plants to keep them short .

1} Is the celing high enough?

2} Average distance from plants to bulb for 1000 watt hps

Thanks verey much. I am cutting plywood this morning and need to know if I am alright.


I am not the best carpender either...are there any blueprints for grow room boxes availible?



Active Member
yes that should be fine..your girls will dubble for the most part in size once you put them into flower.. and you will also need to stay 14 to 18 inchs away from your tops.


Active Member
Hello fellow patients:

What is the avarage distance that my 1000 watt fixture will be to the tops of my plants? I know I have the option of putting like chicken wire over the tops of the plants to keep them short .

1} Is the celing high enough?
Yes it's fine, but it could be bigger. Doesn't sound like you can make it any taller or I think you would of already.

2} Average distance from plants to bulb for 1000 watt hps
Depends on if you have air cooled hoods, light movers, or bare bulbs. Either way you can have them around 18" away with bare bulbs to about 12" with vented hoods. If you see burn or bleached leaves you know that they are too close. You want to get them as close as possible without burning them. When placing your light next to the plant hold your hand by the light and see how hot it is.

Thanks verey much. I am cutting plywood this morning and need to know if I am alright.
If you can make it taller you should and if you can make the room bigger do that too. You can never have a room that is too big or tall. It just can't happen. More room the better. If you had 20' ceiling you could set up plants on a 5 gallon bucket or something so they would be raised from the floor and it would limit your bending over to do water and such.

I am not the best carpender either...are there any blueprints for grow room boxes availible?

That George Carnvites (not sure on the spelling) but he has a couple of DVD's that will explain pretty much everything you'll need to know. How are you building the room? The best would be 2x4 (you could go 24" on center for the walls) with insulation (this will help with keeping the temps in control) in between the with OSB for the sheeting. Then you could wrap the inside with plastic (this will control any air from coming in or out where you don't want it) and then Mylar or at least that's they way I did it.


Active Member
Btw check Youtube.com for some video on building this or framing a small shed or something. You really can do it so many ways depending on your skills and money. It doesn't have to be perfect either because hopefully this is not going to be load baring walls. I have also seen people use 1x2 wrapped in plastic for a quick, cheap way, but the better you build it the long it will last and the fewer problems you'll have in the end. I would put down the hammer and saw until you have a plan because there's nothing like being half way done and then finding out you should of done something differently unless you like doing the job twice. I think the best thing would be George's Dvd for you. You can probably find it on Youtube or download it through a Utorrent site. Maybe someone on here could point you in the right direction where to get it. Go to the local library and tell them your building a grow room and you need some info... Just kidding don't do that.