CBD curing cancer


Well-Known Member
Hey all,, watched a video the other day about a scientist ,biologist and professor from Israel working with CBD and cancer cells,
He has a huge laboratory in Israel which is government-backed for medicinal purposes,, he was basically growing live cancer in test tubes and then treating those cancer cells with CBD, he found different strains of cannabis killed the cancerous cells, but different types of cancer reacted to different strains of CBD, what killed pancreatic cancer was useless against breast cancer, what killed breast cancer was no good for prostate cancer, and so on,. he was working with 160 different cannabis strains all containing high levels of CBD, his work and his team also discovered 144 different cannabinoids
I don't know if he has had any human trials as yet,, but I find this research fascinating,,
Love to get hold of his list of what particular strain reacted to what particular cancer strain,,
Has anybody else heard or seen anything about this I'm sure it isn't new
Hey all,, watched a video the other day about a scientist ,biologist and professor from Israel working with CBD and cancer cells,
He has a huge laboratory in Israel which is government-backed for medicinal purposes,, he was basically growing live cancer in test tubes and then treating those cancer cells with CBD, he found different strains of cannabis killed the cancerous cells, but different types of cancer reacted to different strains of CBD, what killed pancreatic cancer was useless against breast cancer, what killed breast cancer was no good for prostate cancer, and so on,. he was working with 160 different cannabis strains all containing high levels of CBD, his work and his team also discovered 144 different cannabinoids
I don't know if he has had any human trials as yet,, but I find this research fascinating,,
Love to get hold of his list of what particular strain reacted to what particular cancer strain,,
Has anybody else heard or seen anything about this I'm sure it isn't new
anything about CBG and other canabinoids?
So is there a list of particular strains which have been noted to treat different cancers and other associated disorders
im still looking for info on strains for differant cancers. but sadly reading isnt my strong point
I'm still hunting for any results regarding what cannabis strains are receptive ,to which various cancer cells

As in,,, do the cannabinoids in white widow treat skin cancer (example)

will the cannabinoids in northern lights attack bone marrow cancer (example)

Any information regarding this issue is appreciated
Indica Concentrates like R.S.O. are based in treatments for Cancer and other afflictions.
Yes that may be so, but dr Mechoulam , who has been working on cancer and cannabinoids for many many years,concludes that different cannabinoids will treat different cancer cells,,
Just saying rso oil is going to kill your cancer, I find Miss leading,
Dr Mechoulam identified 144 different cannabinoids from 160 different cannabis strains,
Let's say the cannabinoids from strain A killed lung cancer cells,, but did nothing to colon cancer
What is in this RSO oil that people claim to have cured their cancer when there is so many types of cancer
If this RSO oil is so good,why do we still have millions and millions of people suffering from this disease ??
What is in this RSO oil that people claim to have cured their cancer when there is so many types of cancer
If this RSO oil is so good,why do we still have millions and millions of people suffering from this disease ??

Rick Simpson Oil is basically a whole plant extract using solvents like isopropal alcohol or naphtha which Rick preferred for a cleaner oil. It is not done like making QWISO to quickly rinse off resin glands for a better smoke-able product but soaked in the solvent for a while to extract more than just the resins. You could still smoke it but it will taste nasty compared to something like a clean, winterized QWISO extraction or full-melt bubble.

Millions still suffer and die from cancer of one form or another regardless of what treatments are used as some cancers just don't respond to anything. Cancer is not just one disease but a myriad of diseases, some specific to the sufferer's DNA which is a promising line of cancer treatment that these new mRNA type Covid vaccines grew out of.

As I may have prostate cancer I started using RSO daily a month ago and adding to my supplement regimen to hopefully have better results with my next MRI in August. If my PSA is down and the scan is clear like the last one I'm still saying NO to a biopsy. My urologist seems eager to do one of those and at my age, 66, I have over a 75% chance of being positive for cancer. That diagnosis leads to much worse things I'm not planning to allow. Only 3% of prostate cancers will kill a man before his time but the treatments will make him wish he was dead. I'll play the odds unless there are indications that it is beginning to spread.

I make my RSO using many strains of cannabis to hopefully get the one that works best for my needs. I'll be adding CBD to the new batch I'll be making soon. If nothing else the addition of CBD should make higher doses possible without getting so f'n wasted. :)

Rick Simpson Oil is basically a whole plant extract using solvents like isopropal alcohol or naphtha which Rick preferred for a cleaner oil. It is not done like making QWISO to quickly rinse off resin glands for a better smoke-able product but soaked in the solvent for a while to extract more than just the resins. You could still smoke it but it will taste nasty compared to something like a clean, winterized QWISO extraction or full-melt bubble.

Millions still suffer and die from cancer of one form or another regardless of what treatments are used as some cancers just don't respond to anything. Cancer is not just one disease but a myriad of diseases, some specific to the sufferer's DNA which is a promising line of cancer treatment that these new mRNA type Covid vaccines grew out of.

As I may have prostate cancer I started using RSO daily a month ago and adding to my supplement regimen to hopefully have better results with my next MRI in August. If my PSA is down and the scan is clear like the last one I'm still saying NO to a biopsy. My urologist seems eager to do one of those and at my age, 66, I have over a 75% chance of being positive for cancer. That diagnosis leads to much worse things I'm not planning to allow. Only 3% of prostate cancers will kill a man before his time but the treatments will make him wish he was dead. I'll play the odds unless there are indications that it is beginning to spread.

I make my RSO using many strains of cannabis to hopefully get the one that works best for my needs. I'll be adding CBD to the new batch I'll be making soon. If nothing else the addition of CBD should make higher doses possible without getting so f'n wasted. :)

Good vibes to you.
So...just smoke everything and cover all the cancers?

If you seriously want to use cannabis to fight cancer you need to be eating your doses in the form of RSO or other edibles. Smoking it is the least efficient delivery system.

I like small hits in a pipe for a quick fix to deal with chronic depression. I would get too high from just a couple hits but since starting RSO my tolerance to the high has gone way up but the effects on the depression remain the same. A good CBD:THC strain made into cocobudder works really good for that and helps immensely with my arthritis for almost a whole day with 1tsp.

Rick Simpson Oil is basically a whole plant extract using solvents like isopropal alcohol or naphtha which Rick preferred for a cleaner oil. It is not done like making QWISO to quickly rinse off resin glands for a better smoke-able product but soaked in the solvent for a while to extract more than just the resins. You could still smoke it but it will taste nasty compared to something like a clean, winterized QWISO extraction or full-melt bubble.

Millions still suffer and die from cancer of one form or another regardless of what treatments are used as some cancers just don't respond to anything. Cancer is not just one disease but a myriad of diseases, some specific to the sufferer's DNA which is a promising line of cancer treatment that these new mRNA type Covid vaccines grew out of.

As I may have prostate cancer I started using RSO daily a month ago and adding to my supplement regimen to hopefully have better results with my next MRI in August. If my PSA is down and the scan is clear like the last one I'm still saying NO to a biopsy. My urologist seems eager to do one of those and at my age, 66, I have over a 75% chance of being positive for cancer. That diagnosis leads to much worse things I'm not planning to allow. Only 3% of prostate cancers will kill a man before his time but the treatments will make him wish he was dead. I'll play the odds unless there are indications that it is beginning to spread.

I make my RSO using many strains of cannabis to hopefully get the one that works best for my needs. I'll be adding CBD to the new batch I'll be making soon. If nothing else the addition of CBD should make higher doses possible without getting so f'n wasted. :)

I thought you might be interested in this article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3339795/

This is some current data on mpMRI for those who have not had a biopsy and a large tranche of recent research in the bibliography.

I would encourage you to get a diagnosis. Just because you have a diagnosis does not mean you have to agree to any form of treatment you do not want to have but it's better to know what you're dealing with. Anyway I wish you the very best in dealing with this.