Cautionary tale...Check your timers! (96 hours of light in flower)


Active Member
I added some supplemental CFL lights, and when I did, I left an extension cord laying over my timer, and as it turned, the cord pushed all the little tabs down. 4 days (96hrs) later when I realized what I'd done, I fixed it. Several weeks later, I have 5 plants that look like these. What should have been a nice single lollipop turned into 6 tops coming out of the cola. Going back into veg mode put them behind schedule 4-5 weeks. I'm sure the middle of them matured, but the outside trichs are just now turning milky. There is a little bit of rot in the middle, but I'm going to try to cut around it. Lesson learned! I check it almost every night to make sure they are off/on when they are supposed to be. I have several more in there that are looking great. Looking forward to getting these ugly things out of there!
