catch of fire?


Well-Known Member
hey has any of you guys ever had a fire becase of your grow room? any good tips on how not to catch fire to your house


Well-Known Member
I would think simply common sense. Don't overload circuits, make sure all the wiring on appliances used is in good condition, use a timer so appliances don't run all day and all night, keep flamable items out of your grow room, keep the grow room picked up at all times, make sure everything is grounded, make sure you use the proper bulb with the proper ballast (etc.).


Well-Known Member
im growing in a bath room. and im kinda worried about the shower heads, they might turn on, on accicent. do you know if theres any way to cut the water off just to the room? water + electricity = :fire:

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I saw fish and sea creatures come out of the showerhead once while tripping on acid...but never saw it come on by itself!!!

Tape over the handles with something....fabric..whatever...just something so no one grabs it and gives it a twist.

I'd personally be more worried about the LIGHT switch/light in the bathroom bein left on and fuggin up my 12/12...but that's just me, I guess...

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Unless your water supply is running on the newsupply manifold set up your pretty much screwed here. ..Take the handles off so they cant be turned on