

Active Member
My plant was doing good, then one day I started finding these little green catapillars on it.
Within 3 days almost all the buds started to wilt and turn brown.
So I harvested it. As it dried up, I found more and more of these little bastards. Did they kill my plant?


New Member
Caterpillars usually only eat leaves. They come from moths, and butterflies. Generally moths.

I get them on my indoor grows. Now I hate moths. I kill them wherever i find them... the caterpillars too. I've only ever known them to eat leaves though, and they only put in an appearance during the summer months.


Active Member
Caterpillars usually only eat leaves. They come from moths, and butterflies. Generally moths.

I get them on my indoor grows. Now I hate moths. I kill them wherever i find them... the caterpillars too. I've only ever known them to eat leaves though, and they only put in an appearance during the summer months.
You have that kinda backwards :P
Caterpillars dont come from butterflys / moths, caterpillas turn into butterfly's, grubsturn into moths.


Well-Known Member
My plant was doing good, then one day I started finding these little green catapillars on it.
Within 3 days almost all the buds started to wilt and turn brown.
So I harvested it. As it dried up, I found more and more of these little bastards. Did they kill my plant?

the caterpillars didn't kill it, you did.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i have green caterpillars, brown ones, orange ones, little tiny, tiny ones, medium sized ones, and some huge ones. they eat everything.

this is a caterpillar egg.....IMG_2977.jpg

which came first, the egg or the moth?


Well-Known Member
^^ FDD same with me. lol.. ARe they bad for the plant THe catepillars as well as the lil eggs??

Didnt know there was so many!..


Well-Known Member
^^ FDD same with me. lol.. ARe they bad for the plant THe catepillars as well as the lil eggs??

Didnt know there was so many!..

they are bad, yes. they get down inside the buds. they love to chew thru the main stem in the center of the top colas. all the bud dies around them. if any moisture gets to their poop or the dead bud it will turn to rot.

caterpillars bad.....:evil:


Active Member
they are bad, yes. they get down inside the buds. they love to chew thru the main stem in the center of the top colas. all the bud dies around them. if any moisture gets to their poop or the dead bud it will turn to rot.

caterpillars bad.....:evil:
Exactly...The main stem was hollow, like a straw. The buds now look like shriveled up lose buds, not compact at all, no weight to them at all.
They sure work fast. :evil:


New Member
You have that kinda backwards :P
Caterpillars dont come from butterflys / moths, caterpillas turn into butterfly's, grubsturn into moths.


Moth caterpillars

This is the caterpillar of the Pale Tussock Moth, often seen in October.
There are over 2000 Moths in the British Isles.
Exotic/interesting caterpillars are usually moths not butterflies - Hawkmoth caterpillars in particular.

Now what?


Active Member
"catapillars" are only the babies of olometabolic insects, they eats some of your plant leaves for few days before become a "pupa". These "catapillars" will be some butterflies or other olometabolic insects.. Remember that larves doesn't make any eggs =D
Bye bye.. your Italian, bad english naturalist friend ;p


Well-Known Member
my problems is that i found little webs and inside them was little black specks. a small amount of my harvest was effected but are these eggs?


New Member
What i usually notice are a lot of hard little black things... often mishapen things that don't look anything like eggs.

I go to war... as soon as i see them. I'll spend as long as it takes killing them. Then any moth I see around the house is dead meat. My gf hates moths because she says they eat your clothes, I used to laugh at her.

...then one day. I notice my leaves getting eaten, dismissed it... then i notice one. an ugly green thing, or brown thing (usually just those two colours) wriggling along MY plants, eating away at the leaves. I'd use a piece of paper or something to pluck the thing off, then crush it and watch as all my prescious leaf spills out of its body. They think they're clever... you need to look really hard to see them.

One thing i did notice is that they tended to stay away from the THC... only eating the larger leaves, and stopping once they hit sugar. Maybe I eradicate the mo' fo's too fast. No pesticides btw... hey, i'm indoors ffs.:mrgreen: Just good old hands.


Active Member
foily, those webs can be some "pupa", do you have some pic? So you check every day your plants, if you don't see leaves damaged or so you could wait harvest time to clean your buds.. Show me some pictures please.. bye


well how the hell do you get rid of them???!!!
ive just sort of controlled my snail problem, by putting egg shells in the pots and surrounding the pots will snail poison..
NOW these caterpillars are chewing holes in all my leaves!!
how do i keep the bastards away?? or better, kill them!
please help


Active Member
i have green caterpillars, brown ones, orange ones, little tiny, tiny ones, medium sized ones, and some huge ones. they eat everything.

this is a caterpillar egg.....View attachment 31639

which came first, the egg or the moth?

I am also seeing these over the last week. Ive been using tweezers to remove them and when I squeeze it between my fingers they kinda "pop" so it is some type of egg. :sad: