can't stop mother from growing! HELP


its a northern light. 5gallon bucket. soil, 4 t-5 lights. 3 1/2ft. its right at the light. touching somewhat, i can go another 3 more ft. but every other plant is on a bucket or stool, becuase of mother is so big. how do i stop it WITH OUT CUTTING IT. i was thinking of bending it. did it to a skunk in flowing, wow, 4 super strong stems. but i don't want to fuck up the gentics.


Well-Known Member
Yes go with your reasoning and tie her down, you can get real aggressive too, dont be shy tie that bitch down to 45 degree angle, in a couple hour to a day her top will bend up towards the light but just however many inches lower that you tied her.
So, tie that bitch down branch by branch limb by limb.
This is my proffered growing method as it adds to yeild significantly.
Growing traditional trees is inferior, "LST" look it up, its a method of growing for maximum light spread and penetration and yeild, also can be "Scrogged" which is basically the same except using a screen for bud tops to poke through and be supported.
There is no other way to grow in my book, its superior, and more efficient, get in the habit of training them as soon as they are 2-3 nodes out of the dirt.:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Tryingto's right on the money....I would just chop her in half, but recently tried the LSTing with one of my slow growing mamma's. She was about 3 weeks away from giving up any babies about a week ago when I tied'er down. Too many clone sites to count on her's like a growth bobmb went off in her. I'm lsting all my mamma's now, and have tried supercropping my flowering too and like the results so far.


Well-Known Member
How do you plan on taking clones from your 'mother' plant without cutting?

I cut and LST and keep my host plants well under 1 1/2' tall. They get trimmed every few weeks.

T-5's don't have enough penetration for a 3 1/2' plant. Mine are under T-5 HO's.
