Can't Identify

This is a G13 Haze baby about 4 or 5 weeks old. Everything has been going swimmingly until I needed to move a few plants under a new LED. I can't identify if this is light burn or a nutrient deficiency. This is my first indoor, I've always just been an outdoor plant and return in a few weeks kind of grower.

This is the only plant that is showing these symptoms (so far) which makes me think toward a deficiency but it seems pretty young to be needing added nutrients? These were all started in "ProMix - Organic Seed Starting Mix" I think I may transplant it into the "ProMix HP" and see what happens.

I don't want to start ordering more nutrients I don't need, but obviously don't want to starve and kill my plants, could this possibly be CalMg issues? The pictures I've been browsing to my perception show too many similar symptoms for so many different problems I'm having trouble diagnosing.

Would very much appreciate the help here, first time indoors with feminized seeds and I'm already having trouble!!

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I can't identify the problem, light burn? CalMg? Not sure what's going on and why only one of four are showing this.

Edit: Should have mentioned I've not been adding any nutrients and the water has been coming from a reverse osmisis sytstem.
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that could be leaf miner damage, or it could just be from ph fluctuations. leaf miners are the larvae of several different types of insects. pick off any effected leaves and get rid of them, take them to the garbage outside.
check your ph meter, make sure its in range.
sure you have't spilled anything on that leaf? almost looks like chemical damage if you blow up the picture
No spills that I can think of, I did actually have a small run of fungus gnats in the first week which may have come from the seed starter but I let them all dry out and haven't seen signs of them since that first week.

This plant was with all the others which show no signs of stress. I have a Violator Kush roughly the same age that was stunted when the 24" T5 LED fell on it but she appears to be bouncing back. I moved the the G13 and VK under my 1000w and saw this started to happen on the same day which is what made me think light burn. But again, this is the only plant of 4, I've got 2 more seedlings that are a couple weeks younger.

Everything else is ok, I've never been a fan of removing leaves but I think I may try it.
that's not a deficiency. blow up the picture and look at it. deficiencies don't eat the top surface of a leaf away.
and calcium deficiency looks like little reddish freckles.
That's definitely not leaf miners. They leave a squiggly trail.
I am very familiar with them, they get into my lettuce every year.

I don't think it's a pest. Looks more systemic.
Definitely nutrient related IMO. I assume both K and calcium by the looks of those leaves. Are you not feeding anything?
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That's definitely not leaf miners. They leave a squiggly trail.
I am very familiar with them, they get into my lettuce every year.

I don't think it's a pest. Looks more systemic.
i'm not sure what it is, but whatever it is, it has made holes in the top surface of that leaf. i don't know of deficiencies that work from the surface in
I've not been feeding. Yesterday I added 1/4 teaspoon of Fox farm GrowBig but I don't think it was enough to do anything, afraid of nutrient burn I didn't think they'd need extra food for well over a month..

I'm beginning to think it's CalMag the container I had it in was pretty shallow and the roots were taking over. It's possible it used up what was in the seed starter mix in the small container.. the leaf issue didn't show up until after 18h under a 1000w LED. Another reason aim think it might be CalMag is it's the only plant showing symptoms and it's also quite obviously the largest. It's not been quarantined from the others and they're still good.

How long do I have to correct this? The CalMag won't be here until friday. Both those nutrients are in the GrowBig I might try giving a good feeding of that tomorrow..

Let me know what you think and thanks guys!
Will look when I get home tonight.

I should mention I transplanted it into a somewhat oversize container today (after I noticed this problem) using Pro mix HP and I mixed in roughly 20% organic earthworm castings.

Not sure what else I can do but wait a couple days for the CalMag to show up and hope it takes some from the GrowBig I added.

I put in approximately 1/2 teaspoon in my 1L spray bottle but the soil was quite moist so I didn't pour very much. Might add some more when I get home tonight.

The earthworm castings should solve the Phosphorus issue (although I don't think there is one) I'll post a couple new pics when I get home.

I did panic a little and removed the worst leaves which as I think about it I regret.

Thanks again for the help everyone, let's get this corrected, I may be an indoor amateur but the plants deserve better.
Well, she was definitely lacking something. After the transplant and light feeding only 12 hours later and the problem is at least not getting worse.

I can see tiny new growth at the end of the branches I removed leaves from aswell as at the base of the stem.

Will still be closely watching for a couple days but it looks like she's ready to start eating and getting big. Will not let the others go as long before feeding. Now I wish I didn't remove those leaves.

Here we go after 2 days, a transplant and a light feeding.

Can someone tell me when calibrating a TDS meter do I actually have to get the two ppm solutions exact? The instructions for my meter say to first use a 6440 ppm solution and then a 1382 ppm to verify. The issue I have is the 6440 is not available for delivery in my area right now. I do have a 342 ppm solution I tried calibrating with. Meter reads as 034 with a small x10 like in some vehicle tachometers so I'm assuming I've calibrated to 340ppm? Not sure if I need to calibrate exactly how the manufacturer says or not. I don't see why it matters as long as you're using any known ppm solution in the readable range of the meter?

Anyway. Things are looking better, still not perfect but I don't have the CalMag yet. I just transplanted from a small container with Promix Organic Seed Starter to a large 4gal with Promix HP and mixed in approx. 20% earthworm castings.

Pictures in order of upload: The original G13 Haze from start of thread. You can see a bit of sick spot left but it has almost stopped. I anticipate it will improve with the added Calcium over the weekend.

Second is the Violator Kush that had a light dropped on it. She went droopy but is bouncing back, stem is still a bit weak but looking ok to me.

Other two smaller ones are another G13 Haze and an LSD. Both have been good so far. Might transplant later this weekend. They're still in the seed starter mix but have had a light feeding.

Let me know what you guys think now. I'll keep updating every few days here until Ive got everything sorted out. Very much appreciate all the help and advice please keep it coming!


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Here's an update, think they just needed a new home and some calcium added to mix. Looking much better now.


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