Can't find a spot


I'm having trouble finding a spot to put my plants. I'm a first time grower and the only way id be able to grow is outside. I'm planning to start 30 seeds as soon as the last frost is over. I was planning on driving to the spot and parking there somehow. I was also wondering if anyone would have any suggestions as to how i could find a spot.


Active Member
i always go out just before ur gunna plant and find a spot where the sun shines through and clear it a bit if needed. you might want to start ur seeds a few weeks early just for a jump start if possible


Well-Known Member
make sure its well out of the way walk far walk threw poisons pricker bushes climb hill the more of a pain in the ass the less likely it will be found by a hiker i dont suggest planting 30 plants in the same spot make small plots no more then 4-6 in spread out spots 30 is easy to be spotted by a fly over make sure you are close to a water source and make sure your plants get a min of 5 hours of light a day use good soil and a 6 pack of beer in the ground to protect from slugs thats about all the advice i can give

happy growing