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Cannabis Recipies
THC Butter

Divide 3 grams of cannabis into nine equal parts. Add a single cannabis part to 400 ml of Coconut milk, Rice Dream (500 ml) or Soya milk. Hard simmer for 5 minutes, lightly stirring, taking care not to boil. The finished product can be spread on bread, added to food, used in other recipes, or drunk hot or cold.
: Handful of marijuana, Yogurt.
The Preparation
Lightly heat the grass in a pan with a little olive oil. Mix into the Yogurt. Put in fridge for an hour or so. Serve chilled. This is a good way to make the best use of low strength leaf and home grown as heating with the oil releases the cannabinoids allowing the body to digest more efficiently.
Cakacak Bhang
Bhang - half a fistful. Almonds - 25 grams. Thandai - 50 grams. Gulakand (preserved rose leaves) 50 grams. Black pepper - to taste. Cardamom - to taste. Milk - 2 liters. Malai (thickened milk, cream) - quarter kilo. Sugar - to taste.
The Preparation:
Among Chaubes the preparation can be an elaborate event of sharing and merrymaking. Along with the marijuana various ingredients, as befits the season, such as black pepper, almonds, pistachios, raisins, mangoes and sugar are ground into a paste with mortar and pestle (symbols of Shiva), mixed with water or milk, and then strained into a pail. The bhang and pepper can be ground together first as fine as possible.
Drink chilled. Serves ten people. Before drinking (usually from a communal vessel passed hand to hand), the first drink is offered to Shiva symbolised by a few drops on the mortar and pestle.
This drink is said to have been used on a daily basis by Lord Shiva who viewed cannabis as a medicinal plant. To this day it is used by Hindus for healing, spiritual and pleasure purposes.
1 lb. roasted cashew butter. 3/4 cut dried currents. 3-4 tsp. honey. 2 cups shredded coconut. 1/2 cup ground almond meal.
The Preparation:
In a mixing bowl blend cashew butter with honey. In a flat tray mix coconut with almond meal. Roll and knead cashew honey mix in coconut-almond mix. As the cashew picks up the coconut it will become less tacky. When both are thoroughly blended spread currents on tray. Roll and knead currents into the candy. When this is done pieces can be broken off and shaped into individual candies. To add cannabis: knead 1/2 - 1 gm of pulverized cannabis (preferably crumbly Lebanese) into each 3/4 inch cube of candy. Alternatively use pre-prepared THC Butter.
THC Hash Oil

Hash Oil has many advantages for medical use as it is very pure and concentrated; even experienced users can be surprised by its strength. Being one of the most useful medical preparations of cannabis, the more cynical reader will not be surprised that it is a Class A prohibited drug along with heroin. What will happen to it under the new proposals is not clear - although the government announcement did say "cannabis and all its derivatives" (our italics) would be made Class C.
The active ingredients of cannabis are in the oil which coats the leaves and flowers. This can be extracted, or rather washed, from crude bush by steeping over night in solvent such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, e.g. methylene trichloride or di-chloro ethane, available as cleaning fluids or plaster-remover.
Most efficient is low-boiling (40(0)-60 or 60 (0) - 80) petroleum ether. However this efficient solvent is more toxic and inflammable than the chlorinated hydrocarbons.



Hash Oil has many advantages for medical use as it is very pure and concentrated; even experienced users can be surprised by its strength. Being one of the most useful medical preparations of cannabis, the more cynical reader will not be surprised that it is a Class A prohibited drug along with heroin. What will happen to it under the new proposals is not clear - although the government announcement did say "cannabis and all its derivatives" (our italics) would be made Class C.
The active ingredients of cannabis are in the oil which coats the leaves and flowers. This can be extracted, or rather washed, from crude bush by steeping over night in solvent such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, e.g. methylene trichloride or di-chloro ethane, available as cleaning fluids or plaster-remover.
Most efficient is low-boiling (40(0)-60 or 60 (0) - 80) petroleum ether. However this efficient solvent is more toxic and inflammable than the chlorinated hydrocarbons.


The solvent must be carefully purified (double-distilled) before use, or impurities are concentrated into the product. Alcohol should be avoided, because it always contains a proportion of water which in the long term attacks the product.
After decanting, the solvent is removed by distillation for recycling and the oil remains behind. The oil can then be deposited on an inactive medium (e.g. cleaned wood-ash) to facilitate smoking.
Hash oil can be isomerism by re-fluxing for two hours with sulphuric acid (1 drop (0-1ml) conc. H2SO4 in 10 ml solvent (e.g. methanol) per gm of oil). Following the reflux, neutralize with bicarb of soda and extract with petroleum ether, then distill off (& recycle) the pet ether. Product is noticeably stronger.
Re-fluxing with acetic anhydride (DANGER - CLOSELY WATCHED!) yields the acetate salt of THC, which is stronger again, and heavier!
After decanting, the solvent is removed by distillation for recycling and the oil remains behind. The oil can then be deposited on an inactive medium (e.g. cleaned wood-ash) to facilitate smoking.
Hash oil can be isomerism by re-fluxing for two hours with sulphuric acid (1 drop (0-1ml) conc. H2SO4 in 10 ml solvent (e.g. methanol) per gm of oil). Following the reflux, neutralize with bicarb of soda and extract with petroleum ether, then distill off (& recycle) the pet ether. Product is noticeably stronger.
Re-fluxing with acetic anhydride (DANGER - CLOSELY WATCHED!) yields the acetate salt of THC, which is stronger again, and heavier!
Cooking with Hemp Seeds

Before use soak the seeds for at lest 4 hours or over night - they become more nutritious, more digestible and more delicious. Important: Do not over heat over 80F as this destroys the nutritional quality of the seed oil.

Before use soak the seeds for at lest 4 hours or over night - they become more nutritious, more digestible and more delicious. Important: Do not over heat over 80F as this destroys the nutritional quality of the seed oil.
Rinse and drain the seeds several times a day, leaving them on flat tray or in a sprouter.
Hemp Butter or Paste

After soaking add any other seeds you wish plus other herbs to taste such as cumin, coriander and grind into a paste in a pestle & mortar or coffee grinder or similar device. You can also use this to add (at the end of cooking) to soups and other dishes.

After soaking add any other seeds you wish plus other herbs to taste such as cumin, coriander and grind into a paste in a pestle & mortar or coffee grinder or similar device. You can also use this to add (at the end of cooking) to soups and other dishes.
Hemp Milk

Use the Hemp Butter made as above or seeds just on their own, to whisk in a blender with mineral water. Add fruits and more butter and blend more for smoothie of perfection. Use the remaining pulp in your hemp butter making or just add (at the end of cooking so as not to over heat) to dishes for extra creamy flavor.

Use the Hemp Butter made as above or seeds just on their own, to whisk in a blender with mineral water. Add fruits and more butter and blend more for smoothie of perfection. Use the remaining pulp in your hemp butter making or just add (at the end of cooking so as not to over heat) to dishes for extra creamy flavor.
Chickpea and Sprouted Hemp Seed Falafel
2 Cups Red Lentils.
3 Cups Chickpeas - soaked over night.
1 Cup of soaked hemp seed.
1 Medium Onion - chopped.
2 Cloves Garlic - chopped.
1 tsp. Ground Cumin.
1 tsp. Ground Coriander.
1 cup of Rolled Oats.
1 Pint of Vegetable Stock.
Olive Oil,
Sea Salt & Ground Pepper (to taste).
1 Cup of soaked hemp seed.
1 Medium Onion - chopped.
2 Cloves Garlic - chopped.
1 tsp. Ground Cumin.
1 tsp. Ground Coriander.
1 cup of Rolled Oats.
1 Pint of Vegetable Stock.
Olive Oil,
Sea Salt & Ground Pepper (to taste).
Cooking Instructions:
Boil the chickpeas in fresh water until tender. Leave to stand to one side. Fry the onions and garlic without color adding the cumin and coriander and mix well. Add the washed red lentils and vegetable stock to just cover the lentils, simmer gently for about 15 minutes until all the stock is absorbed and the lentils are tender. In a blender, puree the strained chickpeas and add to the red lentils, season to taste, mix in the oats and hemp seed. Leave to stand for 20 minutes in a cool place to absorb the moisture and the mix becomes workable to form small patties. Dip in Oats and shallow fry until golden brown. Serve in pitta bread with salad, and vegan mayonnaise.
The Anandakanda is an Ayurvedic medical text from the 10th century which includes over fifty preparations of cannabis for the treatment of disease, most of them fairly obvious and straight forward. The extraordinary recipe below however, is described as being for "living 300 years free from any disease and signs of old age".
Following it is almost as difficult. We have not (yet) tested the recipe below, and as it involves the use of mercury, the use of eight other unnamed herbs and three years of celibacy, probably never will. However this is is a genuine extract, which includes cannabis growing instructions, from an english translation of the Anandakanda which deserves a wider audience.
For the cultivation of cannabis the soil should be free from stones, vegetation and sand. It should be black, soft and mixed with ash as well as cow dung. The flesh of the snake is to be used as a manure before sowing. Seeds which are kept inside the mouth of the snake and which are unctuous and heavy are to be selected for sowing in an auspicious day of a bright fortnight in the months of July-August. The person who has performed the religious rites like nyasa, acamana, should sow by facing towards north or east direction and meditating over the feet of his preceptor. Thereafter, water mixed with milk is to be sprinkled over the seeds. After germination, water mixed with ghee should be sprinkled. When tender leaves appear, they should be sprinkled with sea water. When branches appear, then the tip of the plant should be cut and a hole made there. In that hole, one gram of mercury should be poured and the opening should thereafter be closed with sulphur. When fruit and fruits appear, this plant should be sprinkled with water mixed with alcohol and meat. Then milk should be sprinkled for one fortnight. Thereafter, another plant called Jatamamsi (Nardostachys Jatamansi DC) should be tied to the branch of the Cannabis plant and it should be sprinkled with water mixed with honey. For the remaining days, this plant should be sprinkled with water mixed with alcohol. Thereafter four different rites are to be performed viz., (1) sthapana, (2)sevvna, (3) tantubandhana (tying the tree with fibers and (4) lavana ( cutting). The third rite should be performed on the 14th day of the black-fortnight of the month of February-March (Phalguna). This tying should be performed by a person who has taken bath, worn clean cloth, applied scents and flowers and offered alcohol and meat to Bhairava. Threads having red, yellow, black and white colors white colors should be used for tying.
The Aghora mantra should be recited for seven days. On the fifth day of the light-fortnight, one should meditate on the Cannabis plant and she should be imagined as a deity. When the seeds have become unctuous, the plant should be cut, along with its leaves, reciting the above mantra.
In a clean place, it should be dried in mild sun and then put in a newly acquired vessel. The leaves are to be made into a fine powder and kept between two hot plates successively for seven times. One liter of cows milk should be mixed with one kilogram of sugar and boiled. To this syrup, the powders of 400gms of cannabis and 50gms. of each of eight other medicinal plants are to be added and thoroughly mixed. After it has become cool, 500ml of honey and ghee should be added and well mixed. This preparation is to be kept inside a heap of grain for one month, every day of which mantras are to be recited.
Administration of the Therapy.
After one month, the medicine should be removed from the heap of grains and in a dose of 5 gms, should be taken by the patient. While doing so they should reside in an air tight house, observe celibacy and eat only milk and rice. This has to be continued for three years.
This is the recipe for an African aphrodisiac using cannabis someone sent us. We have never tried it and do not intend to as it sounds fairly weird, but it is genuine.
Put a few oranges in a paper bag and leave them in a dark place for about two weeks. When a powdery blue-green mold covers the surface of the fruit you may begin the process.
2: Sift 4 ounces of marijuana through screen.
3: Place seeds and stems in a large pot and cover with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.
4: Cover pot with lid and heat on electric hot plate for 3 hours. (Caution: alcohol is very inflammable. labeled: Keep area well ventilated. Do not use gas flame.
5: Strain liquids and store in container labeled Solution A.
6: Repeat steps 4 and 5 with fresh alcohol.
7: Repeat steps 4 and 5 with water instead of alcohol. Store in container labeled Solution B. ((gas flame may be used with 1 hour boiling time).
Repeat step 7.
On an electric hot plate outside or in a well-ventilated room reduce volume of solution A by boiling.
10: Reduce volume of Solution B by boiling.
11: When both solutions are considerably reduced (but not too thick), combine the two solutions and boil down further on hot plate. Keep area well ventilated.
12: When this combination begins to get syrupy allow to cool. When cooled it should be about the consistency of a thin syrup. If it is still very watery.
Place sifted marijuana leaf into same pot with the extracted syrup. Knead it and roll it around in this until leaf is thoroughly and evenly coated with the stuff.
14: Keeping the grass in a moist, moist, spongy condition, add about a teaspoon of mold per 4 oz. of grass. Knead it thoroughly into the grass; use rubber gloves and when finished be sure to salvage the tars that cling to them.
15: Put the grass into a polyethylene bag. Close the bag so that it is snug to the glass, thus minimizing air in bag.
16: After a few weeks when the grass has developed a sharp ammonia-like odor, spread it in a baking tin. Preheat oven to 300 for 15 minutes. Turn off heat. Place tin in oven for 15 minutes. Repeat process until dry. Khala-khij is powdery and does not pack well in a joint. It is best smoked in a small toking pipe