Cannabis=My Religion

Cannabis usage is where I bring my thoughts on life, the universe, and my beliefs into daily practice and thought.

Alot of people like to use it to get "f----d up" ordazed out of their minds w/ their pals...and it's fun to do that cuz ive done it but lately it's been something very spiritual for me.

I have a daily smoking ritual to myself ...where I smoke and reflect on myself and the earth in total silence.

Try smoking a joint on the beach...alone...or with another...but just smoke and hear the waves crash in silence...just explore

That's my religion/belief, the universe and the self, we are part of it and we are part of making it whole.

Then ofcourse on the first friday of every month you should take shrooms:joint::hump:


Active Member
A lovely read m8. I agree, using cannabis to rasie your awareness is a must. It's nice to get mashed once every bluemoon, but most of the time i use to relax, reflect and to grow as a person.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I always tend to smoke alone somewhere peaceful, i much prefere it. I would not go anywhere as near as far as to say it's my religion though, i'd find that a worrying thought.