Cannabis IQ: Legalization leaves medical users stranded, and more

Yeah I'm sure they are really happy to of ran out of medicine..... It takes time to grow. That's a long-term solution, not short-term.
If they were smart they would have been growing their own and the shortage wouldn't effect them. The guy who sells down the street takes care of the customer, makes sure he doesn't run out and he doesn't charge tax, so either way, smart patients won't be without medicine.
If they were smart they would have been growing their own and the shortage wouldn't effect them. The guy who sells down the street takes care of the customer, makes sure he doesn't run out and he doesn't charge tax, so either way, smart patients won't be without medicine.

The problem is a great many patients don't or can't grow their own and until they tried pot for their illness(s) may have never had any contact with pot or pot dealers.

If the drug stores run out of insulin is it the patients fault that they don't know how to make their own? Or know a black market dealer that can get it for them and they hope it's really insulin.

Your focus is a little too tight and you're missing the big picture here. The gov't has never treated cannabis as a serious medicine and still doesn't. There are thousands of med patients that would rather have a pill to fix their ill but find that pot does the trick and it's usually on the recommendation of a friend that they tried it at all.

They don't give a flying fuck about anything other than staying in power and lining their own pockets before they get turfed out with a golden handshake and big paycheque in the private sector selling us crap pot.

Living in the pot culture we all get a little snobbish with out superior knowledge when we should be taking the role of instructor and educating the ignorant masses without being condescending. Big problem is that almost everyone reading threads like this are already woke so we're just preaching to the choir.

The fastest way to get someone to stop listening is to make them feel foolish for asking.

The problem is a great many patients don't or can't grow their own and until they tried pot for their illness(s) may have never had any contact with pot or pot dealers.

If the drug stores run out of insulin is it the patients fault that they don't know how to make their own? Or know a black market dealer that can get it for them and they hope it's really insulin.

Your focus is a little too tight and you're missing the big picture here. The gov't has never treated cannabis as a serious medicine and still doesn't. There are thousands of med patients that would rather have a pill to fix their ill but find that pot does the trick and it's usually on the recommendation of a friend that they tried it at all.

They don't give a flying fuck about anything other than staying in power and lining their own pockets before they get turfed out with a golden handshake and big paycheque in the private sector selling us crap pot.

Living in the pot culture we all get a little snobbish with out superior knowledge when we should be taking the role of instructor and educating the ignorant masses without being condescending. Big problem is that almost everyone reading threads like this are already woke so we're just preaching to the choir.

The fastest way to get someone to stop listening is to make them feel foolish for asking.

and why we took them to court and kicked their royal friggin asses
They know it and
now make us criminals
said it four years ago
here we are
theyre still trying
only diff is I ll go to court and win!
I supposedly break the law because I buy my meds in bulk at low prices.
No court in Canada would try and tell me I should pay 1/4 mil plus for pot each year for stage 4 cancer treatment when I can grow that same amount in my back yard in med value.
Costs 20 cents a gram to make meds.
450/gram from an LP and they dont sell grams of oil. but have loads of poison shwag to make a concentrate out of OH BOY!!

theres no standing up for this group of MJ poachers.
they be nasty greedy wanna be fools that have screwed this deal
and with over regulation, it will blow back in their own faces.
yappin about that this evening...
gotta try and inform people on ways to get this done
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Yeah I'm sure they are really happy to of ran out of medicine..... It takes time to grow. That's a long-term solution, not short-term.
if ya bought clones on the 17th you'd be in your 7th week of flower! ;)
Just sayin.
could have had a set up all ready.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
could have put a few in the ground in the spring..sure and broke the law
but harvested them when it was legal....
in a couple hours time outside. You can literally grow 20 pounds. legally next year.
im not growing but it aint stoppin me from buying my meds.
Any search online will find good MOMs who blow LP's away.
if worried about not clean..theres new testing being done I hear that is offered as a service..
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in a couple hours time outside. You can literally grow 20 pounds. legally next year.

In many places it's illegal to grow outdoors tho like here in Alberta. I have 7.5 acres and am surrounded with fields so who's gonna see it but can't grow legally outside unless I file to grow and use part of my allotment to grow some outdoors. Regular plants never flower in time to finish outside this far north and a few autos won't get me far.

Sorry to hear about the cancer.

Exactly ... My setup, expansion in progress ... adding 2 tents in the open spaces

I think it totally could be done on a small scale as described above ... I'm going to use one of the new tents I build to test it and see what I can get off 1 plant scrogged
Secret Jardin Lodge. Check it out, perfect for moms n clones. All in one tent.