Cannabis industry employment in Maine

J Bone

Hi fellow Mainers, Iv'e been trying to get a job as a some sort of production assistant that helps with the production of medical marijuana for quite some time now. I'd do anything the grower needs done and doesn't have time himself to do. I'm really trying to get my foot in the door to this industry and I'd love to learn and work with anyone who needs some sort of assistance in the garden. I have a good understanding of cultivation, but still need/want to learn more. Any feedback on any job opportunities or ways to get into the industry would be greatly appreciated. I'd love to meet with any possible employers

J Bone

Yea I realized after that it'd be hard to get in contact, cause people probably don't want their info all over the web. But if anyone had any general tips about how to get involved that'd be great


Well-Known Member
If you are old enough why don't you become a caregiver jbone... the best way to learn is to do it yourself and read read read two books I recommend (marijuana growers bible)
(How to grow great marijuana) and try a couple runs on tomatoes if you arent old enough to caregive with the technique you learn then when you are ready you will do just fine I grew hydro and aquaponics vegetables for 3 years before I planted my first mj plant and my first plant was in dwc bubble bucket i built and yielded me 7 oz dry of nirvana skunk#1 but the best way to learn is to do it yourself and try fail adjust.
I doubt there will be alot of employment other then off site trim work here gl to you jbone


Well-Known Member
Hey tbone jujubee posted an application for employment for a care giver Good place to start I'm sure some of us may need help in the future at some point.

I will say the registration for employees of caregivers makes it more comforting in case of employee theft cause they issue a registration number that has employees info with background check so that helps with the trust factor witch is probably a part of the reason many caregivers would be hesitant to take on a (stranger) employee into there home but a busy guy like myself may be able to use a trusting dependable hand


Well-Known Member
So what mdanforth you'll be able to beat me in a lobster eating competition or make a better bowl of clam chowder then me because your from maine just remember I am from the garden state so I'm a better grower lol grow up 😄

J Bone

Thanks for the responses guys. To answer jujubee's questions I have been trying to work with the dispensary, but a lot of them are all set with help at the moment. Also I am reading a lot of books on cultivation and doing a little growing on my own, but I'd really like to work and learn from someone whose been doing it for a while. Until then I'll be doing my best to learn what I can


Well-Known Member
Hey jbone it is posted as its own thread on the main maine page. At the moment I don't even have a grow in maine I live in nj but will maybe need a hand next year when I go from 4k to 8k flower room plus a farm tek greenhouse nice thing is my wife will help me out with the 4 k flower room but I'm sure once I have some monster plants in greenhouse up to 10ft tall it will be alot of work for me to handle so I can't promise you anything as I do alot on my own but the form is a good place to start.

J Bone

Thanks jpzooyork, I'm definitely going to look into that. And it sounds like you have a pretty good idea of what your doing; keep me in mind if/when you need some extra assistance. i'd love the chance to work with another grower. Not exactly sure how we would exchange contact info, but we'll figure that out when the time comes


Well-Known Member
Just send me a pm and when I get things to that point we can talk some more .and keep plugged into this forum I will be doing grow journals in about 3 months on many different strains at least I can help a little from there


Well-Known Member
So what mdanforth you'll be able to beat me in a lobster eating competition or make a better bowl of clam chowder then me because your from maine just remember I am from the garden state so I'm a better grower lol grow up 😄
That was actually pretty funny, but he's from Western Maine dude, not the Coast! Mountains, woods, moose, deer, not Lobster and clams


Well-Known Member
what would I know noswagbag 😄I'm just an italian from nj basically lots of pizza and pasta over here and close enough to the city but far enough so you can't smell it lol can't wait to finally be out of here and in maine
be up there this weekend for inspection on the house.