Cannabis Get-Together in Birmingham, UK on 9th August


Active Member

Cannon Hill Park is one of the premier parks in the city of Birmingham as well as the West Midlands and has been awarded Green Flag status as a result of its beautiful flowerbeds, lakes, pools and a wonderful selection of tree species. But on August 9th 2009 the park will play host to a group of people who are advocating an entirely different type of plant. The much maligned cannabis plant.

According to Legalise Cannabis Alliance member and event organiser Colin Preece who resides in the city, the event will be little more than "A peaceful gathering of people committed to the healing of all nations."

But in reality the event holds a far deeper significance in todays turbulent political climate. Especially so when you take into account the recent revelations in the news which go on to explain even at the very top of law enforcement in the UK, there now exists grave doubts as to the effectiveness of operating a nations drug policies based around prohibition and law enforcement.

The Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) is an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body sponsored by, but operationally independent from, the Home Office. SOCA is an intelligence-led agency with law enforcement powers and harm reduction responsibilities. Harm in this context is the damage caused to people and communities by serious organised crime.

Bill Hughes is director general of the Serious Organised Crime Agency and he said to The Telegraph recently, "Decisions need to be made on where to direct resources and target those areas where drugs cause the most harm."

His comments came as a result of comments made by The UK Drug Policy Commission. A government recognised think-tank which has said police should "effectively, allow some lower level drug dealing because enforcement may cause more harm than good to the community."

The fact is, people want to buy drugs and they will do whatever it takes to do so, and regardless of how many billions of pounds stirling are spent in the 2009 chapter of the drug war. A global conflict which is approaching almost 90 years of age, and which has never in its history, shown any signs of curbing the use of drugs like cannabis, which is head & shoulders the favourite recreational drug for the UK after tobacco and alcohol.

Back in Birmingham and Colin Preece says he hopes to see old and new friends wishing to expand cannabis activism in Birmingham and the UK.


Well-Known Member
Weed needs to be legalised and controlled.
get rid of dealers and you get rid of dangerous (sprayed) weed.
Age restricted to 18 or 21.
amsterdam have got it right although its quite expensive there!
maybe the already greedy government could earn a few quid!


Active Member
even if they legalise and tax it to say £40 a Q thats still usual price really and they make a bit of money of it but they cant really tax it because its able to be grown in households