Cannabis community is not impressed with OrganiGram CEO's latest comments


Well-Known Member
I say this sad wittle fuck goes first!! BWAHAHAHA sad sad little man with little mans disease...

“They just see cannabis as legal,” he said, expressing his disappointment in what he believes to be a lack of action by the federal government
By Emma Spears
March 21, 2019

CEO Greg Engel has infuriated the cannabis community with comments published earlier this week on Yahoo! Finance Canada. PHOTO: Twitter @OrganiGreg

Greg Engel, CEO of licensed producer OrganiGram Holdings Inc., has infuriated the cannabis community with comments published earlier this week on Yahoo! Finance Canada in which he called on the federal government to take action to eradicate the illicit cannabis market.

“Our understanding is that for those illicit sources, business has never been better,” he told Yahoo. “We continue to hear stories about online or same-day delivery people in major cities in Canada going around and giving out free product with their website address and phone number. They are doing things that we would never do.”

Reports estimate that the illegal market will control 71 percent of sales in 2019.

Engel expressed the belief that the de-stigmatization of cannabis has left Canadians feeling content with buying their weed from illicit suppliers.

“They just see cannabis as legal,” he said, expressing his disappointment in what he believes to be a lack of action by the federal government.
One of the things that is disappointing to OrganiGram, and the industry in general, is the lack of enforcement we’ve seen against illicit supply. In particular, the kind of online and retails stores that are operating in an unlicensed fashion,” said Engel. “Occasionally you will see a story in the newspaper that there was a store closed. But you can go on your computer right now and find 50 sites that will ship you products overnight.”
The reaction from the cannabis community on Twitter was swift and largely unfavourable.

“FFS. A company with ‘Organi’ in its name despite not being organic calls on enforcement to win market share. Hey Greg. Make a competitive product. Try pre-rolls without seeds. Stop whining and do some QC. Enforcement never worked. It won’t now,” tweeted Travis Lane in reaction to the article.

“What’s sad @OrganiGreg about your comments is that your company’s share price is at its high and you posted a fabulous last quarter. Why is it necessary for others to lose in order for you to get-further-ahead? Just say thank you to the “black market”, for creating your industry,” Patrick Brauckmann added further down the thread.

“It’s challenging to trust a brand who has a class action law suit based on tainted unapproved pesticides found in their cannabis,” said Unity Marguerite, with a link to a CBC story also posted by Dana Larsen about the pending class-action lawsuit against the New Brunswick LP for allegedly supplying patients with pesticide-tainted cannabis.

The legal market has so far been plagued with supply shortages, and demand has been filled by the illicit market, which also has the advantage of offering lower prices per gram for the drug.

According to StatsCan, during the fourth quarter, Canadian households spent $5.9 billion on cannabis; $4.7 billion is estimated to have been purchased through the illicit market.
Subway, Tim hortons and Mcdonalds are hiring Mr LP Crybaby. Apply cause your gonna need it. Million of Hippies don't like the cut of your jib. You shoulda asked me 5 years ago how your little garden will fair.
You see Mr Winer, many folks remember who gave them legal nightmares in the past. Your gatekeepers is who. You simply got into bed with the wrong person. You chose a bum touching silver spooned brother of the privileged instead of a dirty Hippy. Who'da thunk eh?
Too think......Cheech and Chong are smarter than you.
Go smoke some of your poison yohimbe weed. Start with the 4 year old stuff first.
Prohibition of alcohol was what gave most of the big breweries and distillers their start and they are making lots of money even with all the micro-brewers and distillers so pricks like that should STFU and be happy they have a shot at it.

After the way they abandoned the legitimate medical users for profits they sure can't expect any sympathy from me even tho I never bought any from them and never will!

The big rush on the stores on opening day was mainly users curious to try it and the ability to say, 'I was there on the first day!'. The bulk of them were disappointed and won't be going back. That's on them and their crappy products.

Cops got better things to do with their limited resources than chase a bunch of stoners.