Cannabis Capsules???

Natures Cure

Active Member
Do anyone have any input on taking some dank, grinding it to a fine and then putting the kief and or other particles in the gel cap.

How long would it take to get you high?
How long might you be high?
How high would you get?

Just thinking outloud :lol:

:peace: & :weed:


Active Member
seems to me like you have to heat the marijuana in order for it to release THC so it would be pointless to just swallow gel caps full of kief...

You would need to perform butane extraction to make honey oil so the THC is separated from the plant matter. Put the honey oil in the gel cap, and the THC can be absorbed through your bloodstream. Although I'm not sure if you can just eat hash oil either.

Im kinda wondering about this myself...


Well-Known Member
You need to cook the ground herb in some sort of fat first. Natural coconut oil is a good choice because it solidifies at room temperature.

The effect would depend on your body, and the dosage. They can get you super high, and it lasts 6 hours or so. It takes about 45-90 minutes to kick in.


Do anyone have any input on taking some dank, grinding it to a fine and then putting the kief and or other particles in the gel cap.

How long would it take to get you high?
How long might you be high?
How high would you get?

Just thinking outloud :lol:

:peace: & :weed:
In Egypt, they do something similar, they put a small piece of hash in Turkish coffee, they call it "Kkankah"
and maann.... IT IS FU*#ED UP
kanakah will get you high in a couple of minutes, but it's a very different high (not nice) sort of a delusional vertigo with nausea and it will last for a few hours.
Myself... I'd stick to smoking that dank :joint:

Natures Cure

Active Member
maybe you can vaporize and then supercool the vapor so it would condense to make liquid THC. But you would need something driving the vap.



Do anyone have any input on taking some dank, grinding it to a fine and then putting the kief and or other particles in the gel cap.

How long would it take to get you high?
How long might you be high?
How high would you get?

Just thinking outloud :lol:

:peace: & :weed:
I don't have it in front of me now, but one of Ed Rosenthal's books describes exactly how to do it. It may be titled Trash to Stash or something like that.

I read it but can't remember it exactly, I think you do have to heat the stuff to "potentize" the THC, mix it with something like butter or oil or something, then you can take that mixture and put it in the gel caps. And I think there are gel caps made of two different substances, and again, I can't remember exactly, but you have to get the right one so the mixture doesn't melt the gel cap before you take it. There's also a pill making device that holds the gel caps specifically made for making pills that you can use.

I think Ed referred to them as Maripills.

But along those lines, one way to get high that I'd like to try, is by making a tincture.

THC in marijuana is not water soluble, but it is alcohol soluble. So I've also read what you can do, is take a jar, fill it with buds, and then fill the jar with something like brandy or some other alcohol. You let this sit for a period of time to let the alcohol absorb all the THC from the buds, and then you strain the mixture to get just the liquid that's left.

You can now take that liquid, put it under your tongue, and get high by the absorption of the THC from that liquid.

I think that would be a trip!


Well-Known Member
If done right hash oil should always be yellowish to amber in color and see through. The 2 most common ways of extraction are butane method and solvent extraction (iv'e only done solvent). The end result should be a thc percentage of about 60-90 depending on what plant matter (buds or trim) and method (butane or solvent). If done properly ingesting about .5 grams worth of hash oil will f**k you up for 12 hours straight very similar to shrooms, but not as psychoactive. Yes you can ingest hash oil straight, but i highly recommend eating something before doing so (made that mistake and puked). This effect is very similar to taking perscription pills, but it is not bad for you at all. I only puked because i hadnt eaten anything all day and it just sat on my stomach the wrong way. The oil used in oil capsules is the most potent and will always remain in an oil state and never harden. Pics below to give you an idea of what it looks like when done.

