cannabis and schizophrenia


Well-Known Member
Well, i just started to consume weed and apparently there are no major problems with it, except for one thing: i read that it increases a lot your risks to develop schizophrenia, and more if you have first, second or third degree relatives who suffered of it
in my case my grandma and two brothers of her had it, so i have 10 times greater risk of developing it than the rest of world population, and not sure how cannabis can affect it, how much do you know about this?

i know a girl who developed it after taking a lot of LSD


Well-Known Member
Dude, if I were you, I'd either stay away from it (and all other drugs) or use it very sparingly. I personally know 3 people who've gone off the deep end after prolonged and heavy use. I don't think everyone who smokes pot is at risk for schizophrenia (or I wouldn't be toking) but I my own belief is that some people carry the gene for it and are predisposed to it and for whatever reason, some of these people go nuts when using weed heavily. Just my 2 cents. I wouldn't risk my sanity over herb. No way no how.


New Member
i agree. monitor yoursef closely and develope the self control to say when's enough. sucks but you gotta run your own life.


Well-Known Member
I personally think that the fact that marijuana is illegal in most parts of the world might have a little something to do with induced paranoia. Just imho...but I'm no scientist ....


Well-Known Member
Excellent article, Mid. Here's a telling quote:

"According to scientists, marijuana worsens the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenics.

During a different study, doctors at Yale University tested the impact of THC on 150 healthy volunteers and 13 people with stable schizophrenia. After sampling a little THC, almost half the group experienced psychotic symptoms.

The results from those with stable schizophrenia, however, kind of threw the doctors off since they had expected to see the THC provide a relaxing effect. This was in fact, not true.

"I was surprised by the results," said Dr. Deepak Cyril D'Souza, an associate professor of psychiatry at Yale University's School of Medicine. "In practice, we found that cannabis is very bad for people with schizophrenia," he said.