Canna Butter


New Member
Hey how's it going? I'm going to make some canna butter this weekend and I was wondering what kinda high do you get from it? I heard it was like no other high and really potent stuff and to be careful with it. I was just wondering if anyone who has personally made and used it, how the buzz was and how much to use at a time, I don't wanna get me and my g/f too fucked up just a nice buzz and wondering how long the buzz lasts. Rep for honest answers.
appreciate any help


Well-Known Member
I eat it all the time. For me it's more physical than smoke but the mental high is there too. In fact at my advanced age it's almost psychadelic. Maybe my butter is just getting better. I can't say how much you should take because I don't know how strong yours is. Start out small, 1/4 brownie or cookie. Wait at least two hours before evaluating the effect. Take more if you want it then. Lasts me 4-5 hours with a nice residue next morning.
You'll figure it out. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
its more of a body stone i think. you'll still have the head high and stuff too, but you'll feel it throughout all your body more so than when smoking. i think that typically people put a 1/4 of bud with 1 stick of butter right? sorry lol its been a while since i've done the butter. and i agree with herbose, just eat a small amount at first and give it time to take effect before eating more :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Hardroc,
I use 1 oz.of weed with a pound of butter to make 1-1/2 cups of cannabudder.I use 1/2 cup of cannabudder to make about 18 medium sized chocolate mint cookies. I add mint extract to mask the taste of the weed.
I get a great body stone.When you eat cookies, you gotta do something, don't just stay home and watch tv cause you'll just fall asleep.Go out to a bar(but don't drive) or do something that requires you to move around.1 cookie will last about 5 hours or so.


New Member
Sweet thanks for the advice, I already got a good recipe, just pretty much wanted to know what the buzz was like, thanks for your imput, reps +