canna aqua ph problems


Active Member
hello is there anyone out there having ph problems with canna aqua Vega.

i am using Wilma system, and i have been growing for about 5 years with canna products. but recently been having problems with the ph crashing down below 4.5 ph starts off ok around 5.9 . no good raising the ph because it just goes back down. anyone with any ideas. also is there anyone who has actually had a conversation with canna uk. cheers paul


Active Member
I don’t use Canna nutrients, but the problem is probably not nutrient-related in my opinion. The Canna web site says that “The formula is made up so the plants regulate the pH themselves so that the pH in the nutrient tank always remains within the optimum pH range. This means that having once set the correct starting pH no further correction is necessary.”

Whenever I see uncontrollable ph spikes - either up or down - I always think pathogen attack in the root zone. As Canna says, the plants are able to somewhat regulate the ph. Bacterial and fungal pathogens prefer higher ph conditions...if a plant is under attack by these pathogens, it will secrete compounds that lower the pH of the surrounding area in an attempt to ward off the bacteria. The pH of the nutrient solution will fall; in a connected system like the Wilma system other plants might get infected as well. The pH will crash even faster because of the proliferation.

You are probably early in the infestation; if the plants start losing their battle you will probably see the ph spike in the other direction (high) because of the dead organic material in the res and because the pathogens excrete toxins that cause the ph to rise. If you’ve reached this point the roots will start dying and the res water will probably literally smell like shit.

This is all just my best guess…


Active Member
hello dystopia. i understand what you are saying, and you must be right with the plant changing the ph, but it just does not add up . have been having problems for a year, i even got some new canna nutes. tried this in my Wilma system then in the oxypot, then with clay pebbles then with Rockwool then in my aeroponics. it doesn't matter what i do, it always drops below 4.5 this ak47 that i have in a oxypot is only about a month old 9 inches tall and is showing signs that it isn't well with the ph dropping it has brown patches on a few of the big fan leaves, rest of the plant is ok roots are fine. other plants had truned down leaf tips, but its only to be expected when the ph drops so low.
i have had no problems with dead roots or any decay with any plants. just done exactly what i have always do. tested my ph pen. everything is cleaned before use. it does the same thing every time to any plant in any conditions. driving me mad. when i get them into the flowering room with the flowering nutes things are ok, just the usual ups and downs when putting in additives.


Active Member
hello all have just had a reply from canna to my ph problem, it has only taken them 4 months. here it is (aerating the water will take the pH down, because you add not only oxygen, but also CO2 to the water.
H20 + CO2 → H2CO3 → H+ (acid) + HCO3- (bicarbonate)
So this is normal if you aerate! Nevertheless plants grow well at 5.1. ). this is one explanation. but what about my oxy-pot that i am currently growing my mother in as a experiment, the whole design is based on aeration. i have now switched the pump off to see what happens next. what am i supposed to use when growing in a oxy-pot if i cant use canna aqua.


Active Member
hello it seems that switching the aeration pump off on the oxy-pot has stopped the ph from going down and is holding steady at 5.8. so looks like i have cracked it. but what about the oxy-pot what do i do with that, there must be lots of people using them and getting good results. so i am wondering what nutes they use .