Canadian growers destroyed a record 425 million grams

Are you a share holder in any business or business owner or something?..
In not!
Im a curmdgeon and do'nt care about who smoked what and how much...
Sorry for being a troll ass on this subject..
Are you a share holder in any business or business owner or something?..
In not!
Im a curmdgeon and do'nt care about who smoked what and how much...
Sorry for being a troll ass on this subject..

I read that as "I'm a cum dragon and I don't care who smoked what and how much" and it made my day before the sun even came up.

I hope that doesn't offend you, I just thought it was funny
No doubt in my mind that the stash has been cherry picked, taken out the back door and fallen off the truck on the way to being destroyed.

Back story in the article is LP Organigram boasting a 60% increase in revenue due to a just-in-time inventory control system implemented over the past 2 years. Organigram's licence was suspended for not reporting the use of some pesticide. They have paid off the class action law suit over selling tainted medical products. Organigram is changing over from medical to recreational.

OGI is a penny stock. Organigram is no.3 market share position in Canada. Buy at 1.13 and sell at 1.25 next week
Fuck there are some real in mature kids here isn't there?
So desperate to verbalize some stupid shit they can't even figure out they are in the Canadian section.
Anyway that article was good news for those of us that will never buy legal weed. Smoking legal weed would make me nothing but a putz.
Nice to see them loosing money by the wheel barrow full.
slowly by the inch the legal producers are being reduced to what they should be...nothing valuable to any of us.
If your not boycotting legal weed your just a tool for the government.
My government sent me some extra money for I don't know what. I use it to order some legal weed. Concentrate is extracted with lab equipment and packaged in medical grade hardware that is not available to a DIY. The post office will deliver it to my door. Free government weed that is not available otherwise works for me. I am a lazy stoner not an activist. Please don't judge me.

Karma is a bitch. What goes around, comes around.
Oh noooooo say it ain't soooooo

"The Canada market has really developed very differently than we had initially expected," Judy Hong, chief financial officer, admitted on a call with analysts.
Oh noooooo say it ain't soooooo

"The Canada market has really developed very differently than we had initially expected," Judy Hong, chief financial officer, admitted on a call with analysts.
Thanks for posting that. I appreciate any bad news for the legal guys and I never seem to see it. Thanks
My government sent me some extra money for I don't know what. I use it to order some legal weed. Concentrate is extracted with lab equipment and packaged in medical grade hardware that is not available to a DIY. The post office will deliver it to my door. Free government weed that is not available otherwise works for me. I am a lazy stoner not an activist. Please don't judge me.

Karma is a bitch. What goes around, comes around.
Concentrate is extracted with lab equipment and packaged in medical grade hardware that is not available to a DIY

cool story.... moldy weed has a the gov.

Grow your own....and make your own extract.. The original was called hash.. ;)
Live rosin is produced from live cannabis plants that are put though a FFFSE process. Rosin is extracted from frozen hand harvested plant material.
Concentrate is extracted with lab equipment and packaged in medical grade hardware that is not available to a DIY

cool story.... moldy weed has a the gov.

Grow your own....and make your own extract.. The original was called hash.. ;)

Wait till he/shes finds you how I extract the tomato sauce from freshly picked plants that grow in dirt hmmm fresh garden particles lol. The same equimpent that was developed by illegal growers just like the machine trimmers they use to trim that were invented b illegal growers and the growing methods they lerarnt from illegal growers not including the 99% of strains out there were created by illegal growers.

Hows that LED working?
I'd really like to know how much product is going to be destroyed in Oklahoma as of the 26th. Oklahoma Dispensaries had from May 26th to August 26th to sell any inventory they had on hand that was NOT METRC compliant. It has to be a staggering number of lbs. Every Dispo I've gone into the past couple of months has been dead.... no patients waiting in line, and usually just one person running the whole Dispensary. As of the 26th, if you haven't sold your non METRC product, you have to surrender it to the State. We saw some crazy pricing last week. $1 wax, shatter, flower... it was nuts watching these people panic sell what they had on hand.
Wait till he/shes finds you how I extract the tomato sauce from freshly picked plants that grow in dirt hmmm fresh garden particles lol. The same equimpent that was developed by illegal growers just like the machine trimmers they use to trim that were invented b illegal growers and the growing methods they lerarnt from illegal growers not including the 99% of strains out there were created by illegal growers.

Hows that LED working?
I love it. My favorite light I have.

It is covering half a 4 x 8 right now ;)