Canada’s legal market tries to sell outdoor weed for 28 times cost of production


Well-Known Member
yet they wonder why they are failing :lol: just puts a huge smile on your face .:)

Have you ever wondered how much it costs to grow outdoor marijuana?

Thanks to a new by Global News story we know its roughly 25 cents per gram for companies like 48North to produce the product

This is multiple times cheaper than indoor operations which have a growing cost of $2 per gram.

This 25 cent per gram grown marijuana will then be sold in Quebec for $7 per gram, roughly 28 times the cost of production. While extremely expensive, in relation to production cost, the product will be the cheapest available option for legal consumers.

At $7 dollars per gram, the outdoor-grown product remains far more expensive than illegally grown marijuana which has continuously dropped in price since legalization. According to StatsCan, the price averaged at $5.90 per gram, with options available at even lower price points.

In virtually every province, sites like Weedmaps now provide extremely low-cost options to consumers, with 28-gram orders dipping at or below $3 per gram.

Of course, this is an illegal option, but with black market prices rapidly dropping far below the cheapest prices in the legal market, and most consumers already use to buying from an illegal market place, the long term capability for legal producers to compete for clients remains in question.
at the price point of free.... it would still be the most unhealthy alternative,
so why would anyone put their money into corp Cannabis, when you can usually help some one in your community, make a living or a side job selling a little bit of pot.... not to mention they are most likely a friend as well....
at the price point of free.... it would still be the most unhealthy alternative,
so why would anyone put their money into corp Cannabis, when you can usually help some one in your community, make a living or a side job selling a little bit of pot.... not to mention they are most likely a friend as well....

My neighbour just randomly asked to join grows, I’ve talked to him like 5 times total. He’s vegging, I’m flowering, starting March haha! Spread the love people
We only got 6 pounds between us on 4 plants, but the plants were not in the sunniest spot and we did not train them or top them at all. They were only about 1.5 feet tall when we brought them outside June 1.
Only idiots would BUY their herb grown for the one fact of PROFIT and not PRODUCT
The smart ones know they can grow better product at home.. or outside...lots and lots of land to grow on..
Just takes some LEG WORK and KNOW HOW... easily done