Can you use spin pro dry?


Well-Known Member
I just bought a spin pro to take care of medium and popcorn buds. With prior experience its just not worth it to me to hand trim every bud, only top level colas. Does anyone know if I can use spin pro to trim dry. This would be advantageous because I can hang my branches to dry and then use the machine to clean them up. Somehow I'm suspecting I'm going to have to either spin pro trim or manual trim and then dry on drying racks. I wish I could dry first and then trim.

If you have experience with this let me know. All the haters on machine trimming need not respond. I understand the limitations. Its my time that is more valuable than the buds, and these trimmers do a good basic job at saving heaps of my time.


Well-Known Member
tops you do by hand , middle parts by spin , smallest bits by hand , the small bits fall through , the tops loose bud if you use the spin , the middle work out just right

and not dry , dry would get destroyed , wet only , best bet buy nets


Active Member
You don't want to use the spin-pro or any automatic trimmer when the buds are dry - only wet.