can you tell me how to manage and what stage my plant is at?


can anyone help me with this plant and what stage it is at ?just sprung up in back down here in torrance ca


Active Member
You seem to be doing fine. If it's female and flowering, go get some high phosphorus bat guano
and some molasses. Find a link here that explains how to make "tea" with the guano and use
1-2 tbs molasses per gal.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
this plant has just flowered 2 days prior.any help for strain type or care?
Exact strain is difficult to tell just by looking. My guess is Indica dominance, since the leaves are fat. The fact it isnt 10 ft tall with wider internode spacing rules out pure Sativa. And if it hasnt been topped, we might further assume it is Indica dominant due to the short bushy stature. A month from now we might know what color she is.

Its like a newborn Baby dropped off at an orphanage. Skin color, hair color and facial features can tell you a lot, but it doesn't tell you who the parents are.