can you take clones from a plant in the flowering cycle??


Well-Known Member
I just got roots on one taken from like week 6, looked like a bud sticking out of the cloner....which it was.


Well-Known Member
I just took several at week 6 in flower, got roots. They take forever to revert.


Well-Known Member
I also know a guy that took several at week 6 and got roots but then they suddenly died. Hopefully I won't have this problem.


Well-Known Member
gonna toss up a picture as soon as the roots develop a little more, roots are long and thin atm, I'm used to bushy roots.


Well-Known Member
cuttings from a plant thats is in flower over 5/6 weeks can be hard to keep gowing and can grow very slow but you can keep them going and end up with good plants..... keep doing what your doing and smoke the buds dude ;-)