Can you "stress" a male plant into throwing pistils?


Well-Known Member
We know that female plants can produce 'nanners when stressed by, say, a light leak during the dark period of a 12/12 flower cycle.

But, what about a male plant? If it is exposed to a light leak during the dark period, then will it do the opposite of the female plant and throw pistils?
yes you can. you just need a cemical Ethephon . one dude on youtube did it. its like silver for females just this is something else. and its super strong most of his plants wilted

Ohhhh that's right. Thank you! I remember this being posted awhile back.

But...I guess I'm wondering if it's possible to stress a male plant into throwing pistils in the same way that females will become stressed and throw 'nanners...Let's say, to be more specific, due to a light leak.

Is a female plant more easily stressed into "last ditch" effort to make seeds, than a male plant?
Ohhhh that's right. Thank you! I remember this being posted awhile back.

But...I guess I'm wondering if it's possible to stress a male plant into throwing pistils in the same way that females will become stressed and throw 'nanners...Let's say, to be more specific, due to a light leak.

Is a female plant more easily stressed into "last ditch" effort to make seeds, than a male plant?
I see males really wig out and throw pistils like crazy more than i see females throw crazy nutsacks everywhere. Idk if that says anything we can rely on though
That comment got me thinking again...(uh-oh!)....

I've never seen a plant that starts out male and then throws pistils under stress....But, then again, I've never grown out a male plant....I always chop them. When I started out throwing weed back in the 70's, I had no idea what the plants were doing. I assumed all marijuana plants made seeds because every bud I got had seeds in them. It wasn't until a bit later on that "sinsemilla" became a thing. If it wasn't for High Times Magazine, I would have just assumed that the seeds were a natural part of the flowers. Even if I had looked right at a plant and seen both male and female parts, I would have just assumed that's their natural look. We actually could tell when the plant was "ripe" from the condition of the seeds!

So I guess the question now is "What is the difference between: 1. a hermaphrodite plant, 2. a female plant that throws 'nanners and, 3. a male plant that throws pistils under stress?" Is it just a matter of which flower appears first?
a full blown hermi you will want to throw away without pause. You'll know it when you see it, it has pistils and pollen sacks all over the place and you can't tell if it's a male or a female. very wild thing to see when they do it.
Asking what the difference is between these is a valid question, sort of, but it's so esoteric and niche i'm not sure exactly how to approach answering that serious, that's a deep one you just asked, lol.