Can you save hash that has mold on it?

So I got a quarter pound of some bubble that I left sitting in a ziplock bag in my buddies trunk (the car was out of commission for a few months and used it for storage). Apparently it wasn't fully dried, or some outside moisture got in the bag... I believe the latter is more possible, it was broken up into fairly small chunks and got a proper drying (however I pressed it back together, if this may lead to any insight on what happened). Where I live it tends to be hot during the day and cold at night (and even hotter in a car, it was shaded for most of the day but still...), so I think condensation may have been the culprit.

Anyways, the mold is isolated, to a couple spots and doesn't seem to be advancing (I've since brought it indoors and have had it sitting in a drawer for a couple days now, I've procrastinated researching if I can save it or not, I know, stupid). Since it is a decent sized chunk of hash, is the interior fine? Can I remove the isolated patches and smoke the hash? Or is there some other radical method I haven't heard of? Would freezing it do anything? Heat kills mold, but would degrade the quality of the hash, if I boiled it for instance? Or am I completely screwed and I should trash the whole thing? Thanks for all your help!



New Member
really??????????????????? you need to ask that question????? smoke the mold, youll be fine............