Can you part with some seeds?


Active Member
Hi, im a newbie grower, and currently can only grow with bagseed. I've ordered seeds 3 different times, twice it got caught up in customs and the last time I still dont know.

I was wondering if anyone has any extra seeds they would be willing to part with. We could maybe set up a paypal or something if you need money for them.

I understand that you guys dont have time to send seeds to everyone, but I'm really desperate to get a good strain growing.



Well-Known Member
and I do feel your pain man, but this isn't the place for that...bag seed can be just as good as anything else, its the grower behind it that makes the difference...just keep that in mind and you will survive...I promise..


Active Member
I didnt realize it was against the rules... Ill continue with my bagseed, but if anyone should want to my e-mail is adutton88atgmaildotcom

Replace at with @ and dot with .