Can you just add salts directly into the RDWC control bucket to raise the ppms?


Active Member
As long as the water is recirculating, can you add part A salts wait 5 minutes and then add a part B salts to the system to raise ppms?

Or is it a better practice to make an additional rez with nutrients to use as add back? Would any problems occur if you just topped up with RO water and add salts afterwards directly?

I'm obviously trying to cut corners by seeing if people use their RDWC systems to stir their salt based nutrients.
If your sure of your doasages and how the plants will react you can.

I prefer to add the dosage of A&B into a 1 litre measuring jug, then fill up with water, then dump the jug into the rez... maybe I'm just being anal by pre-diluting it, but i figure it will dispurse better.
If i was adding to the tank I'd dilute it into water 1st.

I expect it would be OK just to add it directly but but idk, there's maybe a risk of having to change the whole reservoir for avoiding a simple step.
Yes. Possibly safer too, if you accidentally put too much straight into your rez, you could have a headache.

If you put too much into a mixing container you can dilute it or throw it away and start afresh.

Edit, imagine accidentally dropping a full bottle of feed into the rez due to having wet hands or whtever...nightmare!!!
If your sure of your doasages and how the plants will react you can.

I prefer to add the dosage of A&B into a 1 litre measuring jug, then fill up with water, then dump the jug into the rez... maybe I'm just being anal by pre-diluting it, but i figure it will dispurse better.

I guess I'll have to play it in the safe lane and mix in a small amount of water first.
I would always dilute part A in a smaller bucket, mix that in, and then do it again with part B. I wouldn't mix them both together in the same small bucket. Your not supposed too anyway...
TBH I never had a problem mixing jacks and calcium nitrate together at the same time, when I was being lazy with my outdoor crops
For sure. I had a large RDWC going in greenhouse a few years back. A few times I just threw all the salts in, while rushing off to work. Let the pump do the work. Plants grew fine, no funky res or anything. Probably 80 gallon?
For sure. I had a large RDWC going in greenhouse a few years back. A few times I just threw all the salts in, while rushing off to work. Let the pump do the work. Plants grew fine, no funky res or anything. Probably 80 gallon?
my pH was way off when i first mixed a batch. i'd wait until i could get it in range before i turned my pump back on
Not recommend anyone do that.

I just mix up jugs of stock solutions now days. I know it's well mixed already, so don't worry much about dilution. I do give time, and use a container with some res water.
I use a magnetic stirrer and always do the Jack's and epsom separately. I rarely add directly to the RDWC, though, unless they are eating a ton and I'm trying to ramp up the EC quickly. Usually the system fills through the float valve from my top off reservoir.