can you identify this as a weed plant?


i asked earlier and someone said it was, but it had barely broken the soil so i'm not sure. i had taken out a seed and i can't remember if i planted another one that had finished germinated, and this is my first grow, so i'm not sure if it's a weed plant or just some other seed that somehow found it's way into my soil. so these are some pictures of it a little further along.
sorry about pictures being really big, i donno how to make them any smaller


Well-Known Member
impossible to tell, yet its not.
but my weed looked exactly the same as that. but then again, i think all flowers grows like that in the beginning.


Well-Known Member
yeah and give it some light man. those leaves showin is not really leaves so to speak. the pair of leaves thats about to come is the weed giveaway :P
wait 2 days or so and you can identify it yourself bruh


Well-Known Member
all the plants we deal with look the same at the age you have them. In fact, that could even be other plants, you don't really see any discernible traits till the 2nd and 3rd nodes.


Well-Known Member
Just wait, those cotyledons won't tell you anything until a few days. Pretty soon youll see 2 more leaves pop out, they'll have pointy leaves with jagged edges like most weed leaves, you can even see it starting in the first picture. But it should be an mj plant if you bought commercial soil rather than compost.


Active Member
All the guys are right - wait until the next set of leaves. What you see there are lill embryo leaves (but it does look like MJ).
It probably is, I mean, what other seeds would have found their way into your soil?
Are you outdoors?