Can you identify these 3 photos??? What's the deficiencies?

these are all fed with a small weekly dose of iguana juice organic from AN, a little cal/mg and once in a while b vitamins, 7 gal bags with fox farm ocean forest soil with a little extra pearlite. These are still in veg and are getting 21/3 light cycle 3hrs dark. The problems started happening after i transplanted, same soil and i have burnt leaves at the bottoms and these dots, top of the plants are still lush green with really no indication of anything, tops are perfect. But all the lower leaves seem to have burned off or faded to yellow?? can you guys see all 3 of these and tell me what each might be? thanks!!



Well-Known Member
Google this: plant deficiencies

Then go to the picture of maganese, looks like it.


Well-Known Member
Exactly Mag def that now i have this shit prb so.... Do u use any micro nuts or epsom salt?


Well-Known Member
Yo have you fed'em?
How small of a weekly dose of nutes?
In ppms! I would say they
could be under fed. I give my
2tsp of big grow like 2 weeks ago~